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Low-lying excitations in $$^{72}$$Ni


Morales, A. I.*; Benzoni, G.*; Watanabe, H.*; 西村 俊二*; Browne, F.*; Daido, R.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Fang, Y.*; Lorusso, G.*; Patel, Z.*; Rice, S.*; Sinclair, L.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; 炭竃 聡之*; Wu, J.*; Xu, Z. Y.*; Yagi, A.*; Yokoyama, R.*; 馬場 秀忠*; Avigo, R.*; Bello Garrote, F. L.*; Blasi, N.*; Bracco, A.*; Camera, F.*; Ceruti, S.*; Crespi, F. C. L.*; De Angelis, G.*; Delattre, M.-C.*; Dombr$'a$di, Zs.*; Gottardo, A.*; Isobe, T.*; Kojouharov, I.*; Kurz, N.*; Kuti, I.*; Matsui, K.*; Melon, B.*; Mengoni, D.*; Miyazaki, T.*; Modamio-Hoybjor, V.*; Momiyama, S.*; Napoli, D. R.*; 新倉 潤*; Orlandi, R.  ; 櫻井 博儀*; Sahin, E.*; Sohler, D.*; Shaffner, H.*; 谷内 稜*; Taprogge, J.*; Vajta, Zs.*; Valiente-Dob$'o$n, J. J.*; Wieland, O.*; Yalcinkaya, M.*

Morales, A. I.*; Benzoni, G.*; Watanabe, H.*; Nishimura, Shunji*; Browne, F.*; Daido, R.*; Doornenbal, P.*; Fang, Y.*; Lorusso, G.*; Patel, Z.*; Rice, S.*; Sinclair, L.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Sumikama, Toshiyuki*; Wu, J.*; Xu, Z. Y.*; Yagi, A.*; Yokoyama, R.*; Baba, Hidetada*; Avigo, R.*; Bello Garrote, F. L.*; Blasi, N.*; Bracco, A.*; Camera, F.*; Ceruti, S.*; Crespi, F. C. L.*; De Angelis, G.*; Delattre, M.-C.*; Dombr$'a$di, Zs.*; Gottardo, A.*; Isobe, T.*; Kojouharov, I.*; Kurz, N.*; Kuti, I.*; Matsui, K.*; Melon, B.*; Mengoni, D.*; Miyazaki, T.*; Modamio-Hoybjor, V.*; Momiyama, S.*; Napoli, D. R.*; Niikura, Megumi*; Orlandi, R.; Sakurai, Hiroyoshi*; Sahin, E.*; Sohler, D.*; Shaffner, H.*; Taniuchi, Ryo*; Taprogge, J.*; Vajta, Zs.*; Valiente-Dob$'o$n, J. J.*; Wieland, O.*; Yalcinkaya, M.*

Low-lying excited states in $$^{72}$$Ni have been investigated at RIKEN by studying the $$beta$$ decay of $$^{72}$$Co to $$^{72}$$Ni. $$^{72}$$Co was separated with BigRIPS, implanted into the WaS3ABi Silicon array, and the $$gamma$$ ray measured using the EURICA $$gamma$$ spectrometer. From the analysis, 60 new $$gamma$$-ray transitions and 21 new levels in $$^{72}$$Ni were observed. The new experimental information is compared to shell-model calculations which include neutron excitation across the $$fpg$$ shell. The calculations reproduce rather well the observed states, implying that a clear understanding of these low-lying excitations has been achieved.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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