※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Dependence of actinide extractions on the central frames in amidic and diamidic extractants


佐々木 祐二  ; 北辻 章浩  ; 伴 康俊  ; 森田 圭介 ; 須郷 由美*; 佐伯 盛久*

Sasaki, Yuji; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro; Ban, Yasutoshi; Morita, Keisuke; Sugo, Yumi*; Saeki, Morihisa*

燃焼処分可能なアミド、ジアミド抽出剤はアクチノイド元素に高い選択性をもっている。それゆえに、それらは原子力分野でよく用いられている。一つの特徴として合成が比較的容易であり、様々な構造の抽出剤の開発が容易である。優れた抽出剤の開発にあたり、抽出性能比較を行うことは重要である。特に異なる骨格を持つ化合物による比較に注目した。ここではアクチノイド以外にもアルカリ金属、アルカリ土類金属、3, 4, 5グループの金属にも注目しデータ評価を行った。

Amidic and diamidic extractants, which can be gasified by combustion, have the strong affinity with actinides. One of the advantages to use these extractants is to synthesize easily, many kinds of structures can be applied for actinide extraction. It is well-known that the compounds used up to now have high distribution ratios of actinides from nitric acid, e.g., monoamide (for U and Pu), malonamide (for minor actinides), and diglycolamide (for minor actinides). As one of important researches to approach into the development of the best extractant, we compare the actinide extractabilities by the amide compounds with the different structures, especially different central frames. The purpose of this work is to investigate their extractability and to find the excellent structures among amide compounds. In the presentation, we will show not only results of extraction of actinides but also alkali, alkaline earth, group 3, 4 and 5, and discuss with their structures.



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