Specific sorption processes of REEs and actinides induced by biomolecules
田中 万也 ; 谷 幸則*; 大貫 敏彦*
Tanaka, Kazuya; Tani, Yukinori*; Onuki, Toshihiko*
We investigated sorption of rare earth elements (REEs) and actinides on biogenic Mn oxide. Sorption experiments of REEs showed a negative Ce anomaly under circumneutral conditions. SEC-HPLC-ICP-MS analysis confirmed that Ce was complexed with organic ligands in solution. A line of data indicates that the negative Ce anomaly under circumneutral pH conditions arose from Ce(III) oxidation on biogenic Mn oxide and subsequent complexation of Ce(IV) with biomolecules. Th(IV) was sorbed, and then desorbed from biogenic Mn oxide with time. The desorption of Th(IV) is possibly attributed to organic ligands released from fungal cells as observed in the Ce sorption. In contrast, sorption of Pu(IV) increased with time, which was similar to that of U(VI). Plutonium(IV) was possible to be oxidized to Pu(VI) by Mn oxide. Sterilized biogenic Mn oxide did not show the desorption behavior of Th(IV), indicating that living cells would release organic ligands strongly complexed with Th(IV).