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 年 ~ 


Vitrification properties of minor actinide adsorbents

小藤 博英  ; 渡部 創  ; 後藤 一郎; 折内 章男; 竹内 正行 ; 小林 秀和 ; 捧 賢一

Kofuji, Hirohide; Watanabe, So; Goto, Ichiro; Oriuchi, Akio; Takeuchi, Masayuki; Kobayashi, Hidekazu; Sasage, Kenichi


The extraction chromatography technique has been developed as the minor actinides (MA) recovering method from high radioactive liquid waste generating in the reprocessing process. MA adsorbent was made of porous silica covered with polymer and MA extractant, therefor it could be used as the raw material of vitrified high level waste directly and final waste volume could be drastically reduced. In this study, the vitrification properties were evaluated for the silica based adsorbent containing polymer, extractant and waste simulant.



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