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 年 ~ 

R&D status in thermochemical water-splitting hydrogen production iodine-sulfur process at JAEA


野口 弘喜  ; 竹上 弘彰 ; 笠原 清司  ; 田中 伸幸 ; 上地 優; 岩月 仁 ; 会田 秀樹; 久保 真治  

Noguchi, Hiroki; Takegami, Hiroaki; Kasahara, Seiji; Tanaka, Nobuyuki; Kamiji, Yu; Iwatsuki, Jin; Aita, Hideki; Kubo, Shinji


The IS process is the most deeply investigated thermochemical water-splitting hydrogen production cycle. It is in a process engineering stage in JAEA to use industrial materials for components. Important engineering tasks are verification of integrity of the total process and stability of hydrogen production in harsh environment. A test facility using corrosion-resistant materials was constructed. The hydrogen production ability was 100 L/h. Operation tests of each section were conducted to confirm basic functions of reactors and separators, etc. Then, a trial operation for integration of the sections was successfully conducted to produce hydrogen of about 10 L/h for 8 hours.



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分野:Energy & Fuels



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