リスクコミュニケーション実施上の課題の研究; 平成27年度(委託研究)
Research of the tasks on risk communication enforcement in fiscal year 2015 (Contract research)
田中 勝*; 青山 勲*; 石坂 薫*; 大畑 ゆき*; 福池 伊織*; 川瀬 啓一 ; 渡邊 雅範; 時澤 孝之; 宮川 洋*; 石森 有
Tanaka, Masaru*; Aoyama, Isao*; Ishizaka, Kaoru*; Ohata, Yuki*; Fukuike, Iori*; Kawase, Keiichi; Watanabe, Masanori; Tokizawa, Takayuki; Miyagawa, Hiroshi*; Ishimori, Yuu
JAEA Ningyo-toge Environmental Engineering Center and Fukushima Environmental Safety Center have same challenges in risk communication. As reference, similar domestic cases were investigated by our two Centers, and requirements for building long-term relationship were clarified. As follows; (1) Develop new relationship with various stakeholders in the region. (2) Make better use of existing resources (personnel, land and facilities, etc.). (3) Make a concerted effort to create new values with local stakeholders. (4) Make an opportunity which local stakeholders confirm safety and build confidence to the project. These efforts will enhance the opportunities for operators and residents to learn about environment management and environmental protection.