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 年 ~ 

福島第一廃炉汚染水処理で発生する廃棄物の先行的処理に係る研究開発,1; 処理に係る課題の検討

Research and development on preceding processing methods for contaminated water management waste at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 1; Examination of Task on processing

加藤 潤 ; 谷口 拓海 ; 並木 仁宏*; 今泉 憲*; 寺澤 俊春*; 大杉 武史  ; 曽根 智之 ; 中澤 修 ; 黒木 亮一郎 ; 駒 義和  

Kato, Jun; Taniguchi, Takumi; Namiki, Masahiro*; Imaizumi, Ken*; Terasawa, Toshiharu*; Osugi, Takeshi; Sone, Tomoyuki; Nakazawa, Osamu; Kuroki, Ryoichiro; Koma, Yoshikazu


Regarding solidification technologies with applied performance for radioactive waste processing, tasks for applicability evaluation of these technologies to contaminated water treatment secondary waste at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station was extracted in FY2017. This report introduces the examination for the extracted tasks implemented in FY2018.



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