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 年 ~ 

Investigation of high-temperature chemical interaction of calcium silicate insulation and cesium hydroxide


Rizaal, M.   ; 中島 邦久  ; 斉藤 拓巳*; 逢坂 正彦  ; 岡本 孝司*

Rizaal, M.; Nakajima, Kunihisa; Saito, Takumi*; Osaka, Masahiko; Okamoto, Koji*


The interaction of cesium hydroxide and a calcium silicate insulation material was experimentally investigated at high temperature conditions. A thermogravimetry equipped with differential thermal analysis was used to analyze thermal events in the samples of mixed calcium silicate and cesium hydroxide under Ar-5%H$$_{2}$$ and Ar-4%H$$_{2}$$-20%H$$_{2}$$0 with maximum temperature of 1100$$^{circ}$$C. Prior being mixed with cesium hydroxide, a part of calcium silicate was pretreated at high temperature to evaluate the effect of possible structural changes of this material due to a preceding thermal history and also the sake of thermodynamic evaluation to those available ones. Based upon the initial condition (preliminary heat treatment) of calcium silicate, it was found that if the original material consisted of xonotlite (Ca$$_{6}$$Si$$_{6}$$0$$_{17}$$(0H)$$_{2}$$), the endothermic reaction with cesium hydroxide occurred over the temperature range 575-730$$^{circ}$$C meanwhile if the crystal phase of original material was changed to wollastonite (CaSi0$$_{3}$$), the interaction occurred over temperature range 700-1100$$^{circ}$$C. Furthermore, the X-ray diffraction analyses have indicated on both type of pretreated calsils that regardless of Ar-5%H$$_{2}$$ and Ar-4%H$$_{2}$$-20%H$$_{2}$$0 atmosphere, cesium aluminum silicate, CsAlSi0$$_{4}$$ was formed with aluminum in the samples as an impurity or adduct.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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