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External exposure dose estimation by electron spin resonance technique for wild Japanese macaque captured in Fukushima Prefecture


岡 壽崇   ; 高橋 温*; 小荒井 一真   ; 光安 優典*; 木野 康志*; 関根 勉*; 清水 良央*; 千葉 美麗*; 鈴木 敏彦*; 小坂 健*; 佐々木 啓一*; 漆原 佑介*; 遠藤 暁*; 鈴木 正敏*; 篠田 壽*; 福本 学*

Oka, Toshitaka; Takahashi, Atsushi*; Koarai, Kazuma; Mitsuyasu, Yusuke*; Kino, Yasushi*; Sekine, Tsutomu*; Shimizu, Yoshinaka*; Chiba, Mirei*; Suzuki, Toshihiko*; Osaka, Ken*; Sasaki, Keiichi*; Urushihara, Yusuke*; Endo, Satoru*; Suzuki, Masatoshi*; Shinoda, Hisashi*; Fukumoto, Manabu*


The relationship between the CO$$_{2}$$ radical intensity and the absorbed dose (dose response curve) of tooth enamel of Japanese macaque was observed by electron spin resonance and the detection limit of our system was estimated to be 33.5 mGy, which is comparable to the detection limit for human molar teeth. Using the dose response curve, external exposure dose for seven wild Japanese macaques captured in Fukushima prefecture were examined. The results suggest that the external exposure dose for the wild Japanese macaques were ranged between 45 mGy to 300 mGy.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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