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Experimental study of the $$Gamma_{p1}/Gamma_{p0}$$ ratios of resonance states in $$^{8}$$Be for deducing the $$^{7}$$Be($$n$$,$$p_{1}$$)$$^{7}$$Li$$^{*}$$ reaction rate relevant to the cosmological lithium problem


岩佐 直仁*; 石川 竣喜*; 久保野 茂*; 榊原 昂浩*; 小湊 和也*; 西尾 勝久   ; 松田 誠  ; 廣瀬 健太郎  ; 牧井 宏之   ; Orlandi, R.  ; 朝田 晃世*; Guru, D.*; 西村 俊二*; 早川 勢也*; 川畑 貴裕*

Iwasa, Naohito*; Ishikawa, Shunki*; Kubono, Shigeru*; Sakakibara, T.*; Kominato, Kazuya*; Nishio, Katsuhisa; Matsuda, Makoto; Hirose, Kentaro; Makii, Hiroyuki; Orlandi, R.; Asada, K.*; Guru, D.*; Nishimura, Shunji*; Hayakawa, Seiya*; Kawabata, Takahiro*

The $$^{9}$$Be($$^{3}$$He,$$alpha$$)$$^{8}$$Be($$p$$)$$^{7}$$Li reaction was studied at $$E_{rm lab}$$($$^{3}$$He)=30 MeV to deduce the branching ratios of $$Gamma_{p1}/Gamma_{p0}$$ of resonant state at 18.91 - 20.1 MeV in $$^{8}$$Be, which are necessary to extract the $$^{7}$$Be($$n$$, $$p_{1}$$)$$^{7}$$Li$$^{*}$$ reaction rate relevant to the $$^{7}$$Be destruction in the big bang nucleosynthesis, from the $$^{7}$$Li($$p$$,$$n_{0}$$)$$^{7}$$Be reaction cross section. The decay protons from $$^{8}$$Be$$^{*}$$ to the ground and first excited states in $$^{7}$$Li were well-separately measured. The $$Gamma_{p1}/Gamma_{p0}$$ ratio of the 19.235-MeV state was deduced to be 3.4$$pm$$1.9%. The 19.86- and 20.1-MeV states were found to decay dominantly into the first excited and ground states of $$^{7}$$Li, respectively.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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