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 年 ~ 


Estimation of denudation history of the Kitakami Mountains based on apatite fission-track thermochronology

梶田 侑弥*; 末岡 茂   ; 福田 将眞   ; 横山 立憲   ; 鏡味 沙耶   ; 長田 充弘   ; 田上 高広*

Kajita, Yuya*; Sueoka, Shigeru; Fukuda, Shoma; Yokoyama, Tatsunori; Kagami, Saya; Nagata, Mitsuhiro; Tagami, Takahiro*


For reconstructing the uplift/denudation history of the fore-arc side of the NE Japan Arc on geologic timescales, U-Pb dating and apatite fission-track (AFT) thermochronometry were applied to granitoids in Kitakami mountains. In addition, U-Pb dating for the Jodogahama rhyolite at the easternmost Kitakami mountains was also carried out to estimate the timing of volcanism and its thermal effect. Consequently, U-Pb ages of 122.7 Ma and 117.3 Ma for 2 samples of the Cretaceous granites and AFT ages ranging from 156.8 Ma to 70.3 Ma of 15 samples were obtained. Concerning the Jodogahama rhyolite, U-Pb age of 44.3 Ma was obtained. Integrated AFT data of this study and previous ones in Kitakami mountains, the trend of ages shows younging toward west. Although such age trend can be explained by volcanism of the Jodogahama reflecting the migration of a paleo-volcanic front, all AFT ages exhibited significantly older than U-Pb data of the Jodogahama and the thermal inverse modeling based on track length distributions provided slow cooling patterns. These observations did not supported the reheating of volcanism as a cause of age trend. As future prospects, we are planning to improve the reliability of age data based on additional analyses and apply an ultra low-temperature thermochronometer, e.g., ESR method.



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