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 年 ~ 

Anaerobic methane-oxidizing activity in a deep underground borehole dominantly colonized by $$Ca.$$ Methanoperedenaceae


西村 大樹*; 幸塚 麻里子*; 福田 朱里*; 石村 豊穂*; 天野 由記   ; 別部 光里*; 宮川 和也   ; 鈴木 庸平*

Nishimura, Hiroki*; Kozuka, Mariko*; Fukuda, Akari*; Ishimura, Toyoho*; Amano, Yuki; Beppu, Hikari*; Miyakawa, Kazuya; Suzuki, Yohei*


The family $$Ca.$$ Methanoperedenaceae archaea mediate anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM). We newly developed a high-pressure laboratory incubation system and investigated groundwater from 214- and 249-m deep boreholes at Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory, Japan, where the high and low abundances of $$Ca.$$ Methanoperedenaceae archaea have been revealed, respectively. We incubated the samples amended with or without amorphous Fe(III) and $$^{13}$$C-labelled methane at an in-situ pressure of 1.6 MPa. After three to seven-day incubation, AOM activities were not detected from the 249-m sample but from the 214-m sample. The AOM rates were 93.7$$pm$$40.6 and 27.7$$pm$$37.5 nM/day with and without Fe(III) amendment. Suspended particulates were not visible in the 249-m sample on the filter, while they were abundant and contained amorphous Fe(III) and Fe(III)-bearing phyllosilicates in the 214-m sample. This supports the in-situ activity of Fe(III)-dependent AOM in the deep subsurface borehole.



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分野:Environmental Sciences



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