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 年 ~ 

Accumulation mechanisms of radiocaesium within lichen thallus tissues determined by means of ${it in situ}$ microscale localisation observation


土肥 輝美   ; 飯島 和毅  ; 町田 昌彦  ; 数納 広哉*; 大村 嘉人*; 藤原 健壮 ; 木村 茂*; 菅野 太志*

Dohi, Terumi; Iijima, Kazuki; Machida, Masahiko; Suno, Hiroya*; Omura, Yoshihito*; Fujiwara, Kenso; Kimura, Shigeru*; Kanno, Futoshi*

Many lichens are well known to accumulate radiocaesium and, thus acting as biomonitors of contamination levels. Here, we use autoradiography and demonstrate for the first time ${it in situ}$ microscale localisation of radiocaesium within thallus tissues to investigate the radiocaesium forms and their accumulation mechanism. The radiocaesium was localised in the brown pigmented parts i.e., melanin-like substances, in the lower cortex of lichen thallus. Quantum chemical calculations showed that functional group of melanin-like substances can chelate Cs$$^{+}$$ ion, which indicates that the Cs$$^{+}$$ ions form complexes with the substances. Based on these findings, we suggest that radiocaesium ions may be retained stably in melanin-like substances for long periods (two to six years) due to steric factors, such as those seen in porphyrin-like structures and ${it via}$ multimer formation in the lower cortex.



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分野:Multidisciplinary Sciences



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