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Positrons and positronium in macromolecules; Consequences of different charge states

高分子中の陽電子とポジトロニウム; 異なる電荷状態のもたらすもの

小林 慶規*; 佐藤 公法*; 山脇 正人*; 満汐 孝治*; 岡 壽崇   ; 鷲尾 方一*

Kobayashi, Yoshinori*; Sato, Kiminori*; Yamawaki, Masato*; Michishio, Koji*; Oka, Toshitaka; Washio, Masakazu*


Because of their different charge states, positrons and positronium (Ps) behave quite differently in macromolecules. The behavior of positively charged positrons is strongly influenced by electrostatic interactions. In nonpolar macromolecules such as polyethylene, energetic positrons, if not incorporated into Ps, fall into a delocalized state. These positrons are sensitively trapped by polar groups, if any. On the other hand, charge-neutral Ps is localized in a free volume regardless of the macromolecule's chemical structure. In this study, we discuss the behavior and annihilation characteristics of positrons and Ps in various macromolecules, emphasizing their differences.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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