High-speed atomic thermometer using single shot of laser-driven neutron pulse
Lan, Z.*; 余語 覚文*; 早川 岳人*; Wei, T.*; 加美山 隆*; 佐藤 博隆*; 有川 安信*; Mirfayzi, R.*; 小泉 光生
; 安部 勇輝*; 森 隆人*; 巽 湧太*; 勝 常也*; 中西 麻唯子*; 西村 博明*; 三間 圀興*; 中井 光男*; 藤岡 慎介*; 兒玉 了祐*
Lan, Z.*; Yogo, Akifumi*; Hayakawa, Takehito*; Wei, T.*; Kamiyama, Takashi*; Sato, Hirotaka*; Arikawa, Yasunobu*; Mirfayzi, R.*; Koizumi, Mitsuo; Abe, Yuki*; Mori, Takato*; Tatsumi, Yuta*; Katsu, Tsuneya*; Nakanishi, Maiko*; Nishimura, Hiroaki*; Mima, Kunioki*; Nakai, Mitsuo*; Fujioka, Shinsuke*; Kodama, Ryosuke*
Neutron resonance diagnosis technology has been developed worldwide for over ten years. By employing neutron beams with high transmittance, it is possible to measure the resonance spectral of samples in the neutron beam-line. We developed a new approach to generate short pulse epithermal neutron beams using relativistic intensity laser for the neutron resonance spectral diagnosis, which is known as Laser-Driven Epithermal Neutron Source (LDENS). Benefit from highly focused laser, the LDENS can provide high temporal accuracy with a compact volume of the source. Therefore, the minimal change of neutron resonance peaks caused by Doppler broadening effect of atom temperature could be detected via single pulse of LDENS. In experiment, we measured resonance at 4.28eV of a 0,1mm Ta plate with serial temperature points (300K-600K) and another resonance at 5.18eV of an Ag plate was recorded as a reference of the neutron signal. The experimental data shows the feasibility of isotope-discriminating atomic thermometer using a single shot of LDENS. More results will be reported in the presentation.