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 年 ~ 


Fundamental study for calculating electron track structure of arbitrary materials in PHITS

平田 悠歩   ; 甲斐 健師   ; 小川 達彦   ; 松谷 悠佑*  ; 佐藤 達彦   

Hirata, Yuho; Kai, Takeshi; Ogawa, Tatsuhiko; Matsuya, Yusuke*; Sato, Tatsuhiko


Analyzing the behavior of low-energy electrons generated by radiation is vital for evaluating the response of radiation detectors. An electron track structure calculation that can analyze the electron behavior of arbitrary materials is required to investigate the response of various radiation detectors. The electron track structure calculation requires cross sections for each interaction, such as ionization and excitation. The cross sections for ionization can be calculated from binding energy and kinetic energy, for which databases are available for each element. On the other hand, excitation depends on the material's band structure, making it challenging to calculate cross sections from element-specific databases. In this study, we assume that the excitation is equivalent to the ionization of valence electrons with the band gap energy as the binding energy. Therefore, we calculate the excitation cross-section using the same method as the ionization cross-section. We have combined these cross-section calculation methods with PHITS and made it possible to calculate electron track structures using composition ratio, density, and band gap energy as input parameters. The calculated electron trajectory in Si by the developed function is consistent with the previously reported model, indicating that the developed function can analyze the electron behavior on a nanoscale.



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