※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


PEEM observation of work function changes on LaB$$_{6}$$ coated by 2D materials

小川 修一*; 遊佐 龍之介*; Wang, G.*; Pettes, M. T.*; Liu, F.*; 津田 泰孝   ; 吉越 章隆 ; 虻川 匡司*; Moody, N. A.*; 山口 尚登*

Ogawa, Shuichi*; Yusa, Ryunosuke*; Wang, G.*; Pettes, M. T.*; Liu, F.*; Tsuda, Yasutaka; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Abukawa, Tadashi*; Moody, N. A.*; Yamaguchi, Hisato*


Lanthanum hexaboride (LaB$$_{6}$$) has a low work-function and is widely used as a thermionic cathode. For practical application, further reduction of its work-function and high durability have been required. In this study, the effect of 2D material coating materials (graphene and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN)) prepared by a wet-transfer method on the work-function of LaB$$_{6}$$(100) was studied by using photoelectron emission microscopy (PEEM), synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and DFT calculations. PEEM images for samples after 905$$^{circ}$$C heating clearly showed strong photoemission in the hBN coating region. DFT calculations indicated that the work-function increases in graphene due to the inward dipole formation, while the work function decreases in hBN due to the outward dipole forming at the interface.



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