※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Research and development of a small mobile hexapod robot for radiation observation

嶋野 寛之*; 角藤 壮*; 田中 孝幸*; 佐藤 優樹  ; 鳥居 建男  ; 中島 準作*

Shimano, Hiroyuki*; Kakuto, Takeshi*; Tanaka, Takayuki*; Sato, Yuki; Torii, Tatsuo; Nakajima, Junsaku*


This paper discusses the development of a compact multipedal robot equipped with a radiation measurement camera, designed for monitoring radiation contamination levels in nuclear-related facilities. The robot is capable of navigating complex terrains and can function in areas with high radiation where human entry is not possible. Data collected by the robot is used to visualize the distribution of radiation sources, contributing to the reduction of workers' radiation exposure and improving safety. The robot is also expected to find broader applications such as plant surveillance and construction site surveying.



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