※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Modification of graphene by photoemission-assisted Townsend discharge plasma


福田 旺土*; 内藤 陽大*; 田中 修斗*; 山口 尚登*; 小川 修一*; 高桑 雄二*; 津田 泰孝   ; 吉越 章隆 ; 鷹林 将*

Fukuda, Akito*; Naito, Haruhiro*; Tanaka, Shuto*; Yamaguchi, Hisato*; Ogawa, Shuichi*; Takakuwa, Yuji*; Tsuda, Yasutaka; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Takabayashi, Susumu*


Graphene is a two-dimensional material. Its outstanding characteristics such as gas-barrier properties have been remarked. To improve these characteristics or find new one, its modification is indispensable; however, the existing methods may destroy or reduce properties: implantation, adsorption, and chemical modification. We have been using low-energy ion attack of photoemission-assisted Townsend discharge (PATD) plasma. In conventional radio-frequency discharge plasma, a sheath electric field may cause severe damage to graphene. Because of the displacement current, both current and voltage are difficult to measure independently and precisely. Power in watt, which is a product of current and voltage, is used as a variable. However, the current is an extensive variable and is a factor of kinetics of chemical reactions. The voltage is an intensive variable and is a factor of thermodynamics. PATD is a DC plasma. Thus, we can expect precisely-controlled graphene by PATD.



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