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 年 ~ 


Study of simulated fuel debris properties by spectroscopic analysis from micro to bulk range

遠藤 遼*; 秋山 大輔*; 蓬田 匠   ; 岡本 芳浩  ; 谷田 肇  ; 桐島 陽*

Endo, Ryo*; Akiyama, Daisuke*; Yomogida, Takumi; Okamoto, Yoshihiro; Tanida, Hajime; Kirishima, Akira*


In the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, fuel debris were formed by the reaction of molten fuel and reactor structural materials. The fuel debris is composed of many elements and crystalline phases. Therefore, it is inevitable to study various solid phases for debris analysis. In this study, we focused on (U,Zr)O$$_{2}$$ solid solution, which is assumed to be formed in the reactor by the reaction of molten nuclear fuel (UO$$_{2}$$) and oxide of cladding components (ZrO$$_{2}$$). First, the crystalline phase of (U,Zr)O$$_{2}$$ solid solution in the bulk region were determined by X-ray diffraction. The elemental composition in the micro region was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and the crystalline phase in the same region was analyzed by micro-Raman spectroscopy. In addition, local elemental and valence analyses of micro regions were performed by $$mu$$-XRD, $$mu$$-XRF, and $$mu$$-XAFS. The U valence determined by XANES spectra was compared to the crystalline phase of (U,Zr)O$$_{2}$$ solid solution. The objective of this study is to develop techniques which determine the chemical state from multiple angles by combining multiple spectroscopic analyses.



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