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 年 ~ 


Development of eco-friendly thermoelectric materials using weathered biotite by molten salt treatment

本田 充紀   ; 金田 結依 ; 村口 正和*; 早川 虹雪*; 小田 将人*; 飯野 千秋*; 石井 宏幸*; 後藤 琢也*

Honda, Mitsunori; Kaneta, Yui; Muraguchi, Masakazu*; Hayakawa, Kosetsu*; Oda, Masato*; Iino, Chiaki*; Ishii, Hiroyuki*; Goto, Takuya*


Our research focuses on the use of weathered biotite (WB) as an alternative material to thermoelectric materials, which have traditionally been made from rare and toxic elements. After WB was crushed and classified, crystals with conductivity comparable to that of Si semiconductors in the temperature range of 650-850$$^{circ}$$C were obtained by heat treatment using the molten salt method. In this study, we report on the results of the dimensionless evaluation index ZT calculated from the conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and thermal diffusion measurements in the high temperature range, and the thermal conductivity calculated from the specific heat and specific gravity.



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