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Role of filamentous fungi in migration of radioactive cesium in the Fukushima forest soil environment

大貫 敏彦; 坂本 文徳; 香西 直文; 難波 謙二*; 根田 仁*; 佐々木 祥人; 新里 忠史; 渡辺 直子*; 小崎 完*

Environmental Science; Processes & Impacts, 21(7), p.1164 - 1173, 2019/07

 被引用回数:10 パーセンタイル:43.51(Chemistry, Analytical)



Root endophytic bacteria of a $$^{137}$$Cs and Mn accumulator plant, ${{it Eleutherococcus sciadophylloides}}$, increase $$^{137}$$Cs and Mn desorption in the soil

山路 恵子*; 長田 賢志*; 春間 俊克*; 大貫 敏彦; 小崎 完*; 渡辺 直子*; 難波 謙二*

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 153, p.112 - 119, 2016/03

 被引用回数:20 パーセンタイル:53.98(Environmental Sciences)



Effect of minerals on accumulation of Cs by fungus ${{it Saccaromyces cerevisiae}}$

大貫 敏彦; 坂本 文徳; 山崎 信哉*; 香西 直文; 塩津 弘之; 宇都宮 聡*; 渡辺 直子*; 小崎 完*

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 144, p.127 - 133, 2015/06

 被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:26.71(Environmental Sciences)



Dipole tracer migration and diffusion tests in fractured sedimentary rock at Horonobe URL

田中 真悟*; 横田 秀晴; 大野 宏和; 中山 雅; 藤田 朝雄; 瀧谷 啓晃*; 渡辺 直子*; 小崎 完*

Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2015/05

In-situ dipole tracer migration tests were conducted at the G.L.-250 m gallery of the Horonobe URL. Laboratory experiments were also conducted to determine the apparent diffusivity (${{it D$_{a}$}}$) and sorption coefficients (${{it K$_{d}$}}$) of cesium and water (HTO) in the rock taken at the gallery to evaluate the performance of Wakkanai formation as natural barrier. The breakthrough curves of non-sorbing tracer (Uranine) obtained at the in-situ dipole tracer migration tests were well described by a dual-channel model in which one-dimensional advection dispersion was taken in account. This suggests that the tracers migrate through at least two different pathways in the fracture. The breakthrough curves also indicated that the peak concentration of the sorbing tracer (cesium) was much smaller than that of the non-sorbing tracer (Uranine), suggesting that the Wakkanai Formation has a high sorptive and low diffusive properties for cesium. The ${{it D$_{a}$}}$ value obtained for cesium was about 3E-12 m$$^{2}$$/s, which is significantly smaller than that of water (3E-10 m$$^{2}$$/s), and the ${{it K$_{d}$}}$ value of cesium was determined to be about 5E-2 ml/g.


$$^{52}$$Fe translocation in barley as monitored by a Positron-Emitting Tracer Imaging System (PETIS); Evidence for the direct translocation of Fe from roots to young leaves via phloem

塚本 崇志*; 中西 啓仁*; 内田 博*; 渡辺 智; 松橋 信平; 森 敏*; 西澤 直子*

Plant & Cell Physiology, 50(1), p.48 - 57, 2009/01

 被引用回数:88 パーセンタイル:90.07(Plant Sciences)

The real-time translocation of iron (Fe) in barley (${it Hordeumvulgare}$ L. cv. Ehimehadaka no.1) was visualized using the positron-emitting tracer $$^{52}$$Fe and a positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). PETIS allowed us to monitor Fe translocation in barley non-destructively under various conditions. In all cases, $$^{52}$$Fe first accumulated at the basal part of the shoot. Fe-deficient barley showed greater translocation of $$^{52}$$Fe from roots to shoots than did Fe-sufficient barley. In the dark, translocation of $$^{52}$$Fe to the youngest leaf was equivalent to or higher than that under the light condition, while the translocation of $$^{52}$$Fe to the older leaves was decreased, in both Fe-deficient and Fe-sufficient barley. This suggests the possibility that the mechanism and/or pathway of Fe translocation to the youngest leaf may be different from that to the older leaves. When phloem transport in the leaf was blocked by steam treatment, $$^{52}$$Fe translocation from the roots to older leaves was not affected, while $$^{52}$$Fe translocation to the youngest leaf was reduced. We propose a novel model in which root-absorbed Fe is translocated from the basal part of the shoots and/or roots to the youngest leaf via phloem in graminaceous plants.


Deoxymugineic acid increases Zn translocation in Zn-deficient rice plants

鈴木 基史*; 塚本 崇志*; 井上 晴彦*; 渡辺 智; 松橋 信平; 高橋 美智子*; 中西 啓仁*; 森 敏*; 西澤 直子*

Plant Molecular Biology, 66(6), p.609 - 617, 2008/04

 被引用回数:138 パーセンタイル:95.20(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

Rice secretes Deoxymugineic acid (DMA) in response to Fe deficiency to take up Fe in the form of Fe(III)-DMS complex. In contrast with barley, the roots of which secrete DMS in response to Zn deficiency, the amount of DMA secreted by rice roots was slightly decreased under conditions of low Zn supply. There was a concomitant increase in endogenous DMA in rice shoots, suggesting that DMA plays a role in the translocation of Zn within Zn-deficient rice plants. The expression of ${it OsNAS1}$ and ${it OsNAS2}$ was not increased in Zn-deficient roots but that of ${it OsNAS3}$ was increased in Zn-deficient roots and shoots. The expression of ${it OsNAAT1}$ was also increased in Zn-deficient roots and dramatically increased in shoots; correspondingly, HPLC analysis was unable to detect nicotianamine in Zn-deficient shoots. The expression of ${it OsDMAS1}$ was increased in Zn-deficient shoots. Analyses using the positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS) showed that Zn-deficient rice roots absorbed less $$^{62}$$Zn-DMA than $$^{62}$$Zn$$^{2+}$$. Importantly, supply of $$^{62}$$Zn-DMA rather than $$^{62}$$Zn$$^{2+}$$ increased the translocation of $$^{62}$$Zn into the leaves of Zn-deficient plants. This was especially evident in the discrimination center (DC). These results suggest that DMA in Zn-deficient rice plants has an important role in the distribution of Zn within the plant rather than in the absorption of Zn from the soil.


Application of real time PCR for the quantitative detection of radiation-induced genomic DNA strand breaks

山内 恵美子*; 渡辺 立子; 及川 美代子*; 藤本 浩文*; 山田 明徳*; 斎藤 公明; 村上 正弘*; 橋戸 和夫*; 土田 耕三*; 高田 直子*; et al.

Journal of Insect Biotechnology and Sericology, 77(1), p.17 - 24, 2008/02

PCR(ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応)法を用いて、Cs-137$$gamma$$線照射によるpBR322プラスミドDNAの両方の鎖それぞれに生じた1本鎖切断の収率を測定する方法を確立した。本研究では、PCRによる増幅を経時的に測定することで、増幅率をreal-time PCRがDNA切断数の収量の絶対値測定に応用・有用であることを初めて示した。この方法によるSSB収率の実験結果は、モンテカルロシミュレーションによる計算結果と非常によい一致を示したことによっても実証された。


Mutational reconstructed ferric chelate reductase confers enhanced tolerance in rice to iron deficiency in calcareous soil

石丸 泰寛*; Kim, S.*; 塚本 崇志*; 大木 宏之*; 小林 高範*; 渡辺 智; 松橋 信平; 高橋 美智子*; 中西 啓仁*; 森 敏*; et al.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 104(18), p.7373 - 7378, 2007/05

 被引用回数:131 パーセンタイル:93.45(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Fe deficiency is a worldwide agricultural problem on calcareous soils. Rice plants use a well documented phytosiderophore-based system to take up Fe from the soil. Rice plants are extremely susceptible to low-Fe supply, however, because of low phytosiderophore secretion and low Fe$$^{3+}$$ reduction activity. A yeast Fe$$^{3+}$$ chelate-reductase gene ${it refre1/372}$, selected for better performance at high pH, was fused to the promoter of the Fe-regulated transporter, ${it OsIRT1}$, and introduced into rice plants. The transgene was expressed in response to a low-Fe nutritional status in roots of transformants. Transgenic rice plants expressing the ${it refre1/372}$ gene showed higher Fe$$^{3+}$$ chelate-reductase activity and a higher Fe-uptake rate than vector controls under Fe-deficient conditions. Consequently, transgenic rice plants exhibited an enhanced tolerance to low-Fe availability and 7.9x the grain yield of nontransformed plants in calcareous soils.


$$^{52}$$Fe translocation from the roots to the ear of rice using a Positron Emitting Tracer Imaging System (PETIS)

塚本 崇志*; 中西 啓仁*; 渡辺 智; 松橋 信平; 西澤 直子*; 森 敏*

JAEA-Review 2006-042, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2005, P. 124, 2007/02



$$^{52}$$Mn translocation in barley monitored using a positron-emitting tracer imaging system

塚本 崇志*; 中西 啓仁*; 清宮 正一郎*; 渡辺 智; 松橋 信平; 西澤 直子*; 森 敏*

Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 52(6), p.717 - 725, 2006/12

 被引用回数:35 パーセンタイル:62.83(Plant Sciences)

Until now, the real-time uptake and movement of Mn, has not been documented in plants. In this study, the real-time translocation of Mn in barley was visualized using $$^{52}$$Mn and PETIS. In all cases, $$^{52}$$Mn first accumulated in the discrimination center (DC), suggesting that this region may play an important role in Mn distribution in graminaceous plants. Mn deficient barley showed greater translocation of $$^{52}$$Mn from roots to shoots than did Mn-sufficient barley. In contrast, the translocation of $$^{52}$$Mn from roots to shoots was suppressed in Mn-excess barley. In Mn-sufficient barley, the dark treatment did not suppress the translocation of $$^{52}$$Mn to the youngest leaf, suggesting that the translocation of Mn to the youngest leaf is independent of the transpiration stream. Our results show that the translocation of Mn from the roots to the DC depends passively on water flow, but actively on the Mn transporter(s).


Biosynthesis and secretion of mugineic acid family phytosiderophores in zinc-deficient barley

鈴木 基史*; 高橋 美智子*; 塚本 崇志*; 渡辺 智; 松橋 信平; 矢崎 潤史*; 岸本 直己*; 菊池 尚志*; 中西 啓仁*; 森 敏*; et al.

Plant Journal, 48(1), p.85 - 97, 2006/10

 被引用回数:172 パーセンタイル:95.75(Plant Sciences)

Mugineic acid family phytosiderophores (MAs) are metal chelators that are produced in graminaceous plants in response to Fe deficiency, but current evidence regarding secretion of MAs during Zn deficiency is contradictory. HPLC analysis showed that Zn deficiency induces the synthesis and secretion of MAs in barley plants. Studies of the genes involved in the methionine cycle using microarray analysis showed that the transcripts of these genes were increased in both Zn-deficient and Fe-deficient barley roots. Analysis using the PETIS confirmed that more $$^{62}$$Zn(II)-MAs than $$^{62}$$Zn$$^{2+}$$ were absorbed by the roots of Zn-deficient barley plants. These data suggest that the increased biosynthesis and secretion of MAs arising from a shortage of Zn are not due to an induced Fe deficiency, and that secreted MAs are effective in absorbing Zn from the soil.


Rice plants take up iron as an Fe$$^{3+}$$-phytosiderophore and as Fe$$^{2+}$$

石丸 泰寛*; 鈴木 基史*; 塚本 崇志*; 鈴木 一正*; 中園 幹生*; 小林 高範*; 和田 泰明*; 渡辺 智; 松橋 信平; 高橋 美智子*; et al.

Plant Journal, 45(3), p.335 - 346, 2006/02

 被引用回数:549 パーセンタイル:99.64(Plant Sciences)

${it OsIRT2}$ gean was isolated from rice, which is highly homologous to ${it OsIRT1}$. Real-time PCR analysis revealed that ${it OsIRT1}$ and ${it OsIRT2}$ are expressed predominantly in roots, and these transporters are induced by low-Fe condition. Analysis using the positron-emitting tracer imaging system showed that rice plants are able to take up both an Fe$$^{3+}$$-phytosiderophore and Fe$$^{2+}$$. This result indicates that, in addition to absorbing an Fe$$^{3+}$$-phytosiderophore, rice possesses a novel Fe-uptake system that directly absorbs the Fe$$^{2+}$$, a strategy that is advantageous for growth in submerged conditions.



福島 久志*; 佐藤 正知*; 渡辺 直子*; 小崎 完*; 山岸 功; 西原 健司

no journal, , 




中西 啓仁*; 塚本 崇志*; 西澤 直子*; 森 敏*; 渡辺 智; 松橋 信平

no journal, , 

鉄と亜鉛は植物に必須な元素であるが、これらの植物体内における動態には未解明な部分が多く、特に、登熟期のイネにおける金属元素の移行を直接計測した報告はない。本研究では、PETISを用いたポジトロン放出金属元素の登熟期のイネ生体内における移行を計測し、新たな知見を得ることを目的とした。開花後3週間のイネに$$^{52}$$Fe$$^{3+}$$-デオキシムギネ酸又は$$^{62}$$Zn$$^{2+}$$を経根吸収させ、それぞれの移行をPETISにより計測した。その結果、$$^{52}$$Fe, $$^{62}$$Znのいずれについても複数存在する節への蓄積が観察された。それぞれの節における$$^{52}$$Fe及び$$^{62}$$Zn移行量の解析から、先端に近い上位の節ほど単位重量あたりの蓄積量が多いことがわかり、何らかの生理的な制御により上位の節に優先的に金属元素を蓄積する仕組みの存在が示唆された。


東京電力福島第一原子力発電所の事故に伴い放出された放射性物質の土壌中深度方向の分布状況に関する調査研究(その2),3; 土壌特性評価とCs及びIの収着・脱着試験

田中 真悟; 佐藤 治夫; 大熊 成地*; 渡辺 直子*; 小崎 完*; 佐藤 正知*; 阿部 寛信; 新里 忠史; 青木 和弘

no journal, , 




Ji, W.*; 福島 久志*; 佐藤 正知*; 渡辺 直子*; 小崎 完*; 山岸 功; 西原 健司; 寺田 敦彦

no journal, , 


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