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検索結果: 63 件中 1件目~20件目を表示


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Status of study of long-term assessment of transport of radioactive contaminants in the environment of Fukushima (FY2018) (Translated document)

長尾 郁弥; 新里 忠史; 佐々木 祥人; 伊藤 聡美; 渡辺 貴善; 土肥 輝美; 中西 貴宏; 佐久間 一幸; 萩原 大樹; 舟木 泰智; et al.

JAEA-Research 2020-007, 249 Pages, 2020/10





伊藤 聡美; 佐々木 祥人; 新里 忠史; 渡辺 貴善; 三田地 勝昭*

KEK Proceedings 2019-2, p.132 - 137, 2019/11




渡辺 貴善; 佐々木 祥人; 新里 忠史; 三田地 勝昭*; 伊藤 聡美

KEK Proceedings 2019-2, p.114 - 119, 2019/11




長尾 郁弥; 新里 忠史; 佐々木 祥人; 伊藤 聡美; 渡辺 貴善; 土肥 輝美; 中西 貴宏; 佐久間 一幸; 萩原 大樹; 舟木 泰智; et al.

JAEA-Research 2019-002, 235 Pages, 2019/08




CHEMKEq; 化学平衡論及び反応速度論の部分混合モデルに基づく化学組成評価コード(受託研究)

伊藤 裕人*; 塩津 弘之; 田中 洋一*; 西原 慧径*; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

JAEA-Data/Code 2018-012, 42 Pages, 2018/10


原子力施設事故時において施設内を移行する核分裂生成物(FP)の化学組成は、比較的遅い反応の影響を受けることにより化学平衡を仮定して評価した組成とは異なる場合が想定される。そのため、反応速度を考慮した化学組成評価が求められる。一方で、原子力施設事故時の複雑な反応に関する反応速度の知見は現状では限られており、実機解析に適用できるデータベースの構築に至っていない。そこで、FP化学組成評価における反応速度による不確かさの低減のため、化学平衡論及び反応速度論の部分混合モデルに基づく化学組成評価コードCHEMKEqを開発した。このモデルは、系全体の質量保存則の下、前駆平衡と見なせる化学種を化学平衡論モデルにより評価し、その後の比較的遅い反応を反応速度論モデルにより解くものである。さらにCHEMKEqは、本混合モデルに加え一般的な化学平衡論モデル及び反応速度論モデルが使用可能であり、かつ、それらモデル計算に必要なデータベースを外部ファイル形式とすることで汎用性の高い化学組成評価コードとなっている。本報は、CHEMKEqコードの使用手引書であり、モデル, 解法, コードの構成とその計算例を記す。また付録には、CHEMKEqコードを使用する上で必要な情報をまとめる。


Immunofluorescence observation of oxidative damage of DNA induced by heavy ions from TIARA

北畠 里実*; 後田 藤太*; 平山 亮一*; 古澤 佳也*; 舟山 知夫; 横田 裕一郎; 岡畑 恵雄*; 伊藤 敦*

JAEA-Review 2014-050, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2013, P. 86, 2015/03



Real-time imaging and analysis of differences in cadmium dynamics in rice cultivars (${it Oryza sativa}$) using positron-emitting $$^{107}$$Cd tracer

石川 覚*; 鈴井 伸郎; 伊藤 小百合*; 石井 里美; 井倉 将人*; 安部 匡*; 倉俣 正人*; 河地 有木; 藤巻 秀

JAEA-Review 2012-046, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2011, P. 91, 2013/01

We have visualized and quantitatively analysed the real-time Cd dynamics from roots to grains in typical rice cultivars that differed in grain Cd concentrations. We used positron-emitting $$^{107}$$Cd tracer and an innovative imaging technique, PETIS. A new method for direct and real-time visualization of the Cd uptake by the roots in the culture was first realized in this work. Imaging and quantitative analyses revealed the different patterns in time-varying curves of Cd amounts in the roots of rice cultivars tested. Three low-Cd accumulating cultivars showed rapid saturation curves, whereas three high-Cd accumulating cultivars were characterized by curves with a peak within 30 min after $$^{107}$$Cd supplementation, and a subsequent steep decrease resulting in maintenance of lower Cd concentrations in their roots. This difference in Cd dynamics may be attributable to OsHMA3 transporter protein, which was recently shown to be involved in Cd storage in root vacuoles and not functional in the high-Cd accumulating cultivars. Moreover, the PETIS analyses revealed that the high-Cd accumulating cultivars were characterized by rapid and abundant Cd transfer to the shoots from the roots, a faster transport velocity of Cd to the panicles, and Cd accumulation at high levels in their panicles, passing through the nodal portions of the stems where the highest Cd intensities were observed.


Real-time imaging and analysis of differences in cadmium dynamics in rice cultivars ($$it{Oryza sativa}$$) using positron-emitting $$^{107}$$Cd tracer

石川 覚*; 鈴井 伸郎; 伊藤 小百合*; 石井 里美; 井倉 将人*; 安部 匡*; 倉俣 正人*; 河地 有木; 藤巻 秀

BMC Plant Biology, 11, p.172_1 - 172_12, 2011/11

 被引用回数:74 パーセンタイル:88.63(Plant Sciences)

In this study, we have visualized and quantitatively analysed the real-time Cd dynamics from roots to grains in typical rice cultivars that differed in grain Cd concentrations. We used positron-emitting $$^{107}$$Cd tracer and an innovative imaging technique, the positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). In particular, a new method for direct and real-time visualization of the Cd uptake by the roots in the culture was first realized in this work. Imaging and quantitative analyses revealed the different patterns in time-varying curves of Cd amounts in the roots of rice cultivars tested. Three low-Cd accumulating cultivars (japonica type) showed rapid saturation curves, whereas three high-Cd accumulating cultivars (indica type) were characterized by curves with a peak within 30 min after $$^{107}$$Cd supplementation, and a subsequent steep decrease resulting in maintenance of lower Cd concentrations in their roots. Moreover, the PETIS analyses revealed that the high-Cd accumulating cultivars were characterized by rapid and abundant Cd transfer to the shoots from the roots, a faster transport velocity of Cd to the panicles, and Cd accumulation at high levels in their panicles, passing through the nodal portions of the stems where the highest Cd intensities were observed.


Real-time whole-plant imaging of $$^{11}$$C translocation using positron-emitting tracer imaging system

河地 有木; 鈴井 伸郎; 石井 里美; 伊藤 小百合; 石岡 典子; 山崎 治明; 岩崎 郁*; 小川 健一*; 藤巻 秀

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 648(Suppl.1), p.S317 - S320, 2011/08

 被引用回数:19 パーセンタイル:79.21(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Elucidation of carbon kinetics in a plant is important from viewpoint of environmental reduction in the amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO$$_{2}$$) and from an agricultural viewpoint in terms of the growth and development of the plant body. In articular photosynthetic CO$$_{2}$$ fixation and photoassimilate translocation are important topics for understanding the mechanisms underlying carbon kinetics. In this study, we have developed a method to investigate the carbon kinetics by using one of the most powerful radionuclide-based imaging techniques for plant study, that is, the positron emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). Carbon-11-labeled carbon dioxide ($$^{11}$$CO$$_{2}$$) and PETIS enable video imaging of tracer dynamics of carbon fixation, photosynthesis, and translocation. Because of a large field of view (FOV) provided by the PETIS and the sufficiently small size of soybeans (${it Glycine max}$ cultive Jack) that fit in the FOV, dynamic quantitative PETIS data of gradual changing in $$^{11}$$C activity and $$^{11}$$C distribution throughout the entire intact plant body after pulse-chase $$^{11}$$CO$$_{2}$$ treatment is acquired. This indicates the successful imaging of CO$$_{2}$$ photoassimilate translocation from the time of infusion into leafs to that of distribution of the whole plant body; further, carbon kinetics is analyzable to understand plant physiology and nutrition.


再処理特別研究棟廃液貯槽LV-2の一括撤去作業,2; 撤去作業

金山 文彦; 萩谷 和明; 砂押 瑞穂; 村口 佳典; 里見 慎一; 根本 浩一; 照沼 章弘; 白石 邦生; 伊東 慎一

JAEA-Technology 2011-011, 36 Pages, 2011/06




Carbon translocation in a whole plant body by using Positron Emitting Tracer Imaging System (PETIS) and carbon-11-labeled carbon dioxide ($$^{11}$$CO$$_{2}$$)

河地 有木; 鈴井 伸郎; 石井 里美; 伊藤 小百合; 石岡 典子; 山崎 治明; 岩崎 郁*; 小川 健一*; 藤巻 秀

JAEA-Review 2010-065, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2009, P. 101, 2011/01

Elucidation of carbon kinetics in a plant is important from viewpoint of environmental reduction in the amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO$$_{2}$$) and from an agricultural viewpoint in terms of the growth and development of the plant body. In particular photosynthetic CO$$_{2}$$ fixation and photoassimilate translocation are important topics for understanding the mechanisms underlying carbon kinetics. In this study, we have developed a method to investigate the carbon kinetics by using one of the most powerful radionuclide-based imaging techniques for plant study, that is, the Positron Emitting Tracer Imaging System (PETIS) and carbon-11-labeled carbon dioxide ($$^{11}$$CO$$_{2}$$).


Quantitative evaluation of rice varieties in cadmium uptake activities for remediation of cadmium-contaminated soil

石川 覚*; 鈴井 伸郎; 伊藤 小百合*; 石井 里美; 山崎 治明*; 河地 有木; 石岡 典子; 藤巻 秀

JAEA-Review 2010-065, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2009, P. 102, 2011/01

In this study, we evaluated the activities on Cd translocation of a few candidate varieties and analyzed the biological mechanisms using a positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). Three common rice cultivars, Nipponbare, Koshihikari and Sasanishiki and three candidate varieties were subjected. We equally fed the hydroponic culture solution including $$^{107}$$Cd to the six test plants and obtained the serial images of the Cd distribution in the aerial parts for 36 h using PETIS. As a result, It was found that the three candidate plants accumulated Cd in their aerial parts approximately two times as common cultivars. It was also found that almost all Cd in the culture solution was absorbed by all the tested plants. Therefore, this result indicates that the difference was due to greater activities of the candidates in the process to export Cd from the root tissue to the aerial parts, but not in the process of absorption from the culture.



伊藤 小百合; 鈴井 伸郎; 河地 有木; 石井 里美; 石岡 典子; 藤巻 秀

Radioisotopes, 59(3), p.145 - 154, 2010/03



The Production of $$^{13}$$N-labeled nitrogen gas tracer and the imaging of nitrogen fixation in soybean nodules

石井 里美; 鈴井 伸郎; 伊藤 小百合; 石岡 典子; 河地 有木; 松橋 信平; 大竹 憲邦*; 大山 卓爾*; 藤巻 秀

JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 106, 2009/12

The nodule is a symbiotic organ of leguminous plants with rhizobium. Soybean plants utilize nitrogen (N) fixed by nodules from atmospheric N$$_{2}$$. Until now, $$^{15}$$N, a stable isotope, has long been used for studies of N$$_{2}$$ fixation. However, because this method is invasive, it has been difficult to analyze an instant response to an environmental (ex. temperature, light) changes. The purpose of our study is to image the N$$_{2}$$ fixation and analyze the kinetics quantitatively and noninvasively by using nitrogen gas labeled with $$^{13}$$N (half life: 10 min), a positron emitting isotope, and PETIS (positron-emitting tracer imaging system). Previously, we succeeded in producing $$^{13}$$N-labeled nitrogen gas However, it was required to purify the gas because it was likely to contain physiologically active $$^{13}$$N-labeled impurities. In this paper, we report development of a new method of production of pure $$^{13}$$N$$_{2}$$ and the imaging of nitrogen fixation.


Analysis of translocation and distribution of photoassimilates in eggplant fruit in relation to positions of the source leaves using the positron-emitting tracer imaging system

菊地 郁*; 河地 有木; 石井 里美; 鈴井 伸郎; 伊藤 小百合; 石岡 典子; 本多 一郎*; 藤巻 秀

JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 105, 2009/12

In the eggplant cultivation, defoliation is normally used to prevent the disease and insect as well as raise the efficiency of light interception for efficient fruit production. However the general guideline for defoliation is not established yet because fundamental knowledge about effects of defoliation on the nutritional balance in individuals has hardly been obtained. For these reason, it is important to clarify the accumulation mechanism of the photoassimilates which is translocated from each leaf to the fruit in eggplant. Previously, we succeeded to observe translocation of $$^{11}$$C-labeled photoassimilates from a leaf into a fruit and established a method for the quantitative analysis of photoassimilates using the positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). PETIS can noninvasively visualize the movement of $$^{11}$$C-labeled photoassimilates in plants and repetitive analyses using one plant are possible due to the short half-life (20 min) of $$^{11}$$C. In this study, we analyzed translocation of photoassimilates from each of major leaves to a fruit, and estimated the contribution of the respective leaves to accumulation of photoassimilates in the fruit using $$^{11}$$CO$$_{2}$$ and PETIS.


Molecular imaging for plant physiology; Imaging of carbon translocation to sink organs

河地 有木; 鈴井 伸郎; 石井 里美; 伊藤 小百合; 石岡 典子; 菊地 郁*; 塚本 崇志*; 草川 知行*; 藤巻 秀

Proceedings of 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2009 NSS/MIC) (CD-ROM), p.1257 - 1258, 2009/10

In recent years, radionuclide-based imaging technologies have been providing researchers with exciting new opportunities to study biology. The positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS), which has a planar PET scanner, is one of the most powerful techniques used for conducting plant researches in order to study the distribution and translocation of water, sugar, nutrients, and environmental pollutants. In the sink-source relationship in the plant body, source abilities of a leaf imaged using a compartmental model analysis with PETIS data. In this case, to clarify the mechanism of the growth and development of the agricultural produces, we performed imaging experiments of sugar translocation to sink organ of fruits. A near leaf of the target fruits (Eggplant and Tomato) inhaled carbon-11 labeled carbon dioxide (100 MBq), and the translocation of carbon-11 labeled photoassimilate into fruits was imaged by PETIS for two hours. As a result, serial images of graduate increasing $$^{11}$$C activity and its ununiformly distribution in the fruit were acquired successfully. And also velocities of photoassimilate translocation and changes in the contributing rate with time of translocation from the leaf were estimated by analysis of PETIS data.


Real-time imaging of nitrogen fixation in an intact soybean plant with nodules using $$^{13}$$N-labeled nitrogen gas

石井 里美; 鈴井 伸郎; 伊藤 小百合; 石岡 典子; 河地 有木; 大竹 憲邦*; 大山 卓爾*; 藤巻 秀

Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 55(5), p.660 - 666, 2009/10

 被引用回数:15 パーセンタイル:40.02(Plant Sciences)

Real-time images of nitrogen fixation in an intact nodule of hydroponically cultured soybean (Glycine max [L] Merr.) were obtained. In this study, we developed a rapid method to produce and purify $$^{13}$$N (half life: 9.97 min)-labeled radioactive nitrogen gas. $$^{13}$$N was produced from the $$^{16}$$O (p, $$alpha$$) $$^{13}$$N nuclear reaction. CO$$_{2}$$was filled in a target chamber and irradiated for 10 min with protons at energy of 18.3 MeV and electric current of 5 $$mu$$A which was delivered from a cyclotron. All CO$$_{2}$$ in the collected gas was absorbed and removed with powdered soda-lime in a syringe, and replaced by helium gas. The resulting gas was injected into GC and separated, and 35 mL of fraction including the peak of [$$^{13}$$N]-nitrogen gas was collected by monitoring the chromatogram. The obtained gas was mixed with 10 mL of O$$_{2}$$ and 5 mL of N$$_{2}$$ and used in the tracer experiment. The tracer gas was fed to the underground part of intact nodulated soybean plants and serial images of distribution of $$^{13}$$N were obtained noninvasively using PETIS (positron-emitting tracer imaging system). The rates of nitrogen fixation of the six test plants were estimated as 0.17 $$pm$$ 0.10 $$mu$$mol N$$_{2}$$h$$^{-1}$$ (mean $$pm$$ SD) from the PETIS image data. The decreasing rates of assimilated nitrogen were also estimated as 0.012 $$pm$$ 0.011 $$mu$$mol N$$_{2}$$h$$^{-1}$$ (mean $$pm$$ SD).


Non-invasive imaging of carbon translocation and nitrogen fixation in intact plants using the positron-emitting tracer imaging system

鈴井 伸郎; 石井 里美; 河地 有木; 伊藤 小百合; 中村 進一*; 石岡 典子; 藤巻 秀

Proceedings of 16th International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC-16) (Internet), P. 1214, 2009/04

We developed analytical methods for monitoring carbon translocation and nitrogen fixation in intact plants using short-lived radioactive tracer gases and the positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). In the analysis of carbon translocation, we fed $$^{11}$$C (half life: 20.4 min)-labeled radioactive carbon dioxide gas to leave blades of rice plants, and serial images of $$^{11}$$C-photoassimilate were obtained non-invasively using PETIS. In order to understand source-sink relations, we manipulated source and sink strength by treating tested rice plants with p-chlorobenzenesulfonic acid (PCMBS), an inhibitor of sucrose transporters. As a result, a decrease in the velocity after the manipulation was successfully detected. In the analysis of nitrogen fixation, we newly developed a rapid method to produce and purify $$^{13}$$N (half life: 10.0 min)-labeled radioactive nitrogen gas and fed the gas to the underground part of nodulated soybean plants. As a result, obvious signal of $$^{13}$$N was observed at the nodules.


Interaction between nitrogen nutrients acquisition function and distribution of photosynthetic products

大山 卓爾*; 末吉 邦*; 大竹 憲邦*; 伊藤 小百合*; 石橋 弘規*; Hara, T.*; Kimura, T.*; 松橋 信平; 藤巻 秀; 鈴井 伸郎; et al.

JAEA-Review 2006-042, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2005, P. 122, 2007/02

As nodulated leguminous crops grow, they assimilate both gaseous nitrogen and combined nitrogen. Combined N especially the NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$ form inhibits all phases of nodulation and N$$_{2}$$ fixation process, although the mechanism have not been fully elucidated. Tungstate is a non-essential element for plant growth, which exerts harmaful effects on plants. When tungstate is applied to the plant medium, it competes with molybdate and inhibits some enzymes, which have a Mo cofactor in the active site such as nitrate reductase and nitrogenase. Application WO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$ to the culuture medium diturbed nitrate transport to the shoot. In this report, WO$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$ was introduced into cut end of petiole of primary leaf and investigated that $$^{13}$$NO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$ transport from root to shoot was inhibited or not.



河地 有木; 鈴井 伸郎; 石井 里美; 伊藤 小百合; 石岡 典子; 菊地 郁*; 塚本 崇志*; 草川 知行*; 藤巻 秀

no journal, , 


63 件中 1件目~20件目を表示