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Identification of erythroid progenitors induced by erythropoietic activity in ${it Xenopus laevis}$

小坂 菜美*; 須貝 龍久*; 永澤 和道*; 谷崎 祐太*; 目黒 瑞枝; 會沢 洋一*; 前川 峻*; 安達 基泰; 黒木 良太; 加藤 尚志

Journal of Experimental Biology, 214(6), p.921 - 927, 2011/03

 被引用回数:29 パーセンタイル:70.09(Biology)




目黒 瑞枝; 安達 基泰; 黒木 良太; 谷崎 祐太*; 田原 彩香*; 別府 実穂*; 永澤 和道*; 加藤 尚志

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大腸菌組換えタンパク質の発現では、mRNAの安定性に由来する翻訳効率だけでなく、フォールディングの容易さや溶解性さらにはタンパク質分解酵素への抵抗性などタンパク質固有の性質にも着目する必要がある。われわれは、比較生物学的な観点から4本ヘリックスバンドル型サイトカインの構造と機能に着目している。これまでヒトのサイトカインのほか、両生類ツメガエル(${it Xenopus laevis}$)由来のエリスロポエチン(${it xl}$EPO),トロンボポエチン(${it xl}$TPO)の同定に成功し、ヒトEPO(hEPO)及びヒトトロンボポエチン(hTPO)との構造・機能の比較を行っている。${it xl}$EPOは、hEPOとの一次構造相同性が38%であり、また${it xl}$TPO, hTPOの相同性は28%である。しかし、これらのサイトカインを大腸菌で発現させた場合、${it xl}$EPOの発現量だけ著しく低かった。この原因として${it xl}$EPOが大腸菌内で消化されている可能性に着目し、${it xl}$EPOのC末端のアミノ酸を置換又は数残基のアミノ酸を欠失・付加した変異体を作製し、各々の発現量を比較したところ、発現量が増大した変異体があった。特に、${it xl}$EPOのC末端に6残基のヒスチジンを付加した変異体が最も高い発現量を示した。この変異体を、これまでの精製系に適用したところ、最終精製物の収量が約8倍増加した。${it xl}$EPO発現量が向上したのは、C末端側への変異導入により、大腸菌タンパク質分解酵素からの分解を免れたためであると考えられる。



松本 富美子; 安達 基泰; 清水 瑠美; 目黒 瑞枝; 玉田 太郎; 加藤 尚志; 黒木 良太

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Molecular characterization of ${it Xenopus}$ erythropoietin and evolutionary conservation of its structure

目黒 瑞枝; 別府 実穂*; 永澤 和道*; 安達 基泰; 岡崎 伸生; 玉田 太郎; 黒木 良太; 加藤 尚志

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Erythropoietin (EPO) is a cytokine that regulates erythrocyte production. The primary structure of EPO in African clawed frog, ${it Xenopus laevis}$ (${it xl}$EPO), and ${it xl}$EPO has only 38% amino acid homology with human EPO (hEPO) and no carbohydrate structure. It is of interest in the biological, physicochemical properties, even more the tertiary structure of ${it xl}$EPO. In this study, biologically active recombinant ${it xl}$EPO was expressed in ${it Escherichia coli}$, and purified to homogeneity. To examine the ${it in vivo}$ effects, ${it xl}$EPO were administrated to frogs (0.15-0.25 mg/kg/day B.W.) for consecutive 8 days. As a result, immature erythrocytes were appeared in the circulation on day 7, and gradually increased to account for 20% in total peripheral blood cells on day 11. Structural stability of ${it xl}$EPO was measured by circular dichroism spectrometry, resulting that ${it xl}$EPO is much more stable against thermal denaturation than hEPO. Crystal structure analysis shows that overall tertiary structure of ${it xl}$EPO demonstrated similarity with a crystal structure of hEPO complexed to hEPO receptor with 2.35 ${AA}$ of $$alpha$$-carbon root mean square distance (rsmd). Especially, residues involved in receptor binding were highly conserved with 0.78 ${AA}$ for site 1, 0.65 ${AA}$ for site 2 of $$alpha$$-carbon rsmd. Structural stability may allow ${it xl}$EPO to stay in plasma, resulted in exerting ${it in vivo}$ activity.


Characterization of Xenopus laevis thrombocytic cells stimulated by thrombopoietin in liquid culture

田原 彩香*; 谷崎 祐太*; 奥井 武仁*; 目黒 瑞枝; 木下 紗也香*; 前川 峻*; 山内 志毅*; 下地 美也子*; 石田 貴子*; 永井 豊*; et al.

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Most vertebrates have nucleated thrombocytes instead of platelets or megakaryocytes. African clawed frog Xenopus laevis, produces such thrombocytes in liver and spleen. We made a recombinant X.laevis thrombopoietin-like polypeptide (xlTPO) and found it had colony-forming activity in semi-solid assays of liver and spleen. Further studies focused on characterizing the thrombocytes and thrombocytic progenitors were performed to confirm whether xlTPO is a functional ortholog of mammalian TPO.


Implication of molecular diversity and functional conservation of erythropoietin based on a comparison of tertiary structures of humans and frogs

目黒 瑞枝; 安達 基泰; 永澤 和道*; 別府 実穂*; 岡崎 伸生; 小坂 菜美*; 玉田 太郎; 黒木 良太; 加藤 尚志

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The tertiary structure of cytokine-receptor complex provides information about molecular interactions trigger the receptor activation, the primary event of physiological response. To further our understanding of structural basis of cytokines, cross-species comparison of a cytokine structure is an important clue. When we identified erythropoietin (EPO) in African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, namely xlEPO, it was our surprise that xlEPO shares only 38% of the amino acid sequence with human EPO (hEPO) and lacks N-glycosylation. Dispite the low molecular similarity, xlEPO could stimulate proliferation and differentiation of erythrocytic cells transcending species. These findings lead us to explore a particular topology specific to EPO-EPOR binding by solving the crystal structure of xlEPO that enables us to compare the tertiary structures of EPO. In this study, we determined the crystal structure of unbound form of xlEPO. xlEPO exhibited extremely similar topology to hEPO, and the $$alpha$$-carbon root mean square distance between xlEPO and hEPO are 2.35 ${AA}$ and 3.06 ${AA}$, with 1EER and the NMR structure (1BUY), respectively. The tertiary structure of receptor-binding form of xlEPO would enable us to understand the conformational change of xlEPO, and to design EPO mimetics based on newer concepts.


Activation mechanism of thrombopoietin receptor investigated by its specific ligand and neutralization antibodies

松本 富美子; 安達 基泰; 清水 瑠美; 目黒 瑞枝; 新井 栄揮; 玉田 太郎; 加藤 尚志; 黒木 良太

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Thrombopoietin (TPO) is a glycoprotein that regulates the production of platelets. It stimulates the production and differentiation of megakaryocytes, the bone marrow cells that fragment into platelets. The extracellular domain of thrombopoietin receptor (ecTPOR) contains a repeat of two cytokine receptor homologous regions, CRH-1 and CRH-2. In order to investigate the activation mechanism of thrombopoietin receptor, we prepared both CRH-1 and 2 by expressing in ${it E.coli}$. followed by refolding, and the interaction with its specific ligand, TPO, agonistic antibody (Ab-1), and neutralization antibodies (Ab-2 and Ab-3) were investigated. Our results suggested that TPO binding to CRH-1 promote receptor dimerization. It was also suggested that CRH-2 association is important for receptor activation because the binding of Ab-2 and Ab-3 to CRH-2 resulted in neutrallization of TPO induced receptor signal transduction.


Structural determinations of four helical vertebrate cytokines that stimulate the production of blood cells

安達 基泰; 目黒 瑞枝*; 前川 峻*; 岡崎 伸生*; 別府 実穂*; 永澤 和道*; 平野 歩美*; 玉田 太郎; 加藤 尚志; 黒木 良太

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目黒 瑞枝; 安達 基泰; 岡崎 伸生; 玉田 太郎; 黒木 良太; 加藤 尚志

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目黒 瑞枝; 永澤 和道*; 小坂 菜美*; 安達 基泰; 岡崎 伸生; 玉田 太郎; 黒木 良太; 加藤 尚志

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