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検索結果: 11 件中 1件目~11件目を表示
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Fabrication of a novel magnetic topological heterostructure and temperature evolution of its massive Dirac cone

平原 徹*; Otrokov, M. M.*; 佐々木 泰祐*; 角田 一樹*; 友弘 雄太*; 日下 翔太郎*; 奥山 裕磨*; 一ノ倉 聖*; 小林 正起*; 竹田 幸治; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 11, p.4821_1 - 4821_8, 2020/09

 被引用回数:42 パーセンタイル:93.04(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

We fabricate a novel magnetic topological heterostructure Mn$$_{4}$$Bi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{7}$$/Bi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{3}$$ where multiple magnetic layers are inserted into the topmost quintuple layer of the original topological insulator Bi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{3}$$. A massive Dirac cone (DC) with a gap of 40-75 meV at 16 K is observed. By tracing the temperature evolution, this gap is shown to gradually decrease with increasing temperature and a blunt transition from a massive to a massless DC occurs around 200-250 K. Magnetic measurements show that there are two distinct Mn components in the system that corresponds to the two heterostructures; MnBi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{4}$$/Bi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{3}$$ is paramagnetic at 6 K while Mn$$_{4}$$Bi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{7}$$/Bi$$_{2}$$Te$$_{3}$$ is ferromagnetic with a negative hysteresis (critical temperature 20 K). This novel heterostructure is potentially important for future device applications.


Welding technology on sector assembly of the JT-60SA vacuum vessel

芝間 祐介; 岡野 文範; 柳生 純一; 神永 敦嗣; 三代 康彦; 早川 敦郎*; 佐川 敬一*; 持田 務*; 森本 保*; 濱田 崇史*; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 98-99, p.1614 - 1619, 2015/10

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:32.74(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Fundamental welding R&D results for manufacturing vacuum vessel of JT-60SA

浅野 史朗*; 奥山 利久*; 大縄 登史男*; 柳 寛*; 江尻 満*; 金原 利雄*; 市橋 公嗣*; 菊池 淳史*; 水牧 祥一*; 正木 圭; et al.

Fusion Engineering and Design, 86(9-11), p.1816 - 1820, 2011/10

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:66.62(Nuclear Science & Technology)



Experimental results of the $$gamma$$-ray imaging capability with a Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera

武田 伸一郎*; 青野 博之*; 奥山 翔*; 石川 真之介*; 小高 裕和*; 渡辺 伸*; 国分 紀秀*; 高橋 忠幸*; 中澤 知洋*; 田島 宏康*; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 56(3), p.783 - 790, 2009/06

 被引用回数:56 パーセンタイル:96.06(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

A semiconductor Compton camera that combines silicon (Si) and Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) detectors was developed, and its imaging capability was examined with various kinds of $$gamma$$-ray targets such as a point source, arranged point sources and an extended source. The camera consists of one double-sided Si strip detector and four layers of CdTe pad detectors, and was designed to minimize the distance between a scatterer and the target. This is because the spatial resolution with Compton imaging improves as the target approaches the scatterer. This new camera realizes a minimum distance of 25 mm. By placing the target at a distance of 30 mm from the detector, resolving power better than 3 mm was demonstrated experimentally for a 364 keV ($$^{131}$$I) $$gamma$$-ray. Positional determination with accuracy of 1 mm was also demonstrated. As a deconvolution method, we selected the iteration algorithm (called List-Mode Expectation-Maximizing Maximum Likelihood), and applied it to several kinds of experimental data. The Compton back projection images of the arranged point sources and an extended object were successfully deconvolved.



浅野 史朗*; 江尻 満*; 柳 寛*; 市橋 公嗣*; 菊池 淳史*; 水牧 祥一*; 奥山 利久*; 正木 圭; 芝間 祐介; 片山 雅弘*; et al.

no journal, , 




浅野 史朗*; 奥山 利久*; 持田 務*; 菊地 淳史*; 小田島 渉*; 江尻 満*; 水牧 祥一*; 芝間 祐介; 正木 圭; 逆井 章

no journal, , 

JT-60SA真空容器(高さ6.6m、外径9.95m、重量約150トン)の実機製作を2009年11月より開始している。2012年3月末の段階で40度セクター3体の製作を終えている。本講演では実機製作の現状について紹介する。真空容器は、ポロイダルリブを有する内外二重壁構造で、ポートと接続される部分には二重壁を貫通する形で管台と呼ばれる座を溶接する。輸送制限のため、工場では各セクターをインボード(IB)とアウトボード(OB)に分割して製作して出荷し、原子力機構那珂核融合研究所内の真空容器組立棟で溶接接続して完成させる。製作単位はIB, OBとも20度分の上半分、及び下半分である。製造上の課題は溶接変形の抑制及びその矯正であり、(1)溶接入熱の低減と均等化、(2)溶接パスシーケンスの最適化、(3)治具による拘束、(4)製作単位でのプレス矯正を併用し、セクターポロイダル断面の内壁各測定点における平均誤差をIB側で1mm以下、OB側で2mm以下に抑えることに成功している。2012年度中に40度セクター6体目までの製作を完了し、予定通り2013年度中にセクター全数の製作を終えられる見通しである。



浅野 史朗*; 奥山 利久*; 江尻 満*; 水牧 祥一*; 持田 務*; 濱田 崇史*; 荒木 隆夫*; 早川 敦郎*; 佐川 敬一*; 甲斐 俊也*; et al.

no journal, , 




芝間 祐介; 岡野 文範; 柳生 純一; 神永 敦嗣; 三代 康彦; 早川 敦郎*; 佐川 敬一*; 持田 務*; 森本 保*; 濱田 崇史*; et al.

no journal, , 




浅野 史朗*; 江尻 満*; 奥山 利久*; 柳 寛*; 菊地 淳史*; 水牧 祥一*; 芝間 祐介; 正木 圭; 逆井 章

no journal, , 



Application of double-sided silicon strip detectors for a Si/CdTe Compton camera

青野 博之*; 武田 伸一郎*; 石川 真之介*; 小高 裕和*; 国分 紀秀*; 渡辺 伸*; 高橋 忠幸*; 中澤 知洋*; 奥山 翔*; 田島 宏康*; et al.

no journal, , 

We have developed a low noise double-sided silicon strip detector for hard X-ray imaging spectroscopy. Development of low-noise analog electronics, optimized double-sided silicon strip detectors and a compact assembly technology realized the high-quality X-ray imaging device with fine energy, position and timing resolutions, and good uniformity. Imaging detectors in 10-100 keV would be attractive in various fields such as astrophysics, medical and nondestructive inspection. For these purposes, the development the next generation Compton Camera is now underway.


The Experimental results of a $$gamma$$-ray imaging with a Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera

武田 伸一郎*; 青野 博之*; 石川 真之介*; 小高 裕和*; 渡辺 伸*; 国分 紀秀*; 高橋 忠幸*; 奥山 翔*; 中澤 知洋*; 田島 宏康*; et al.

no journal, , 

A $$gamma$$-ray imaging detector is required in various fields such as high-energy astrophysics, medical imaging and nondestructive inspection. We have proposed a concept of the Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera, which consists of many layers of thin Si and CdTe detectors. The Si/CdTe Compton camera features high energy resolution and high angular resolution. Recently, we developed a new Compton camera system for a balloon borne astrophysical experiment. It consists of a 4-layers stack of double-sided silicon strip detector (DSSD) modules and 32 CdTe pad detectors symmetrically surrounding the DSSD stack. The Compton reconstruction was successfully performed and the $$gamma$$-ray images were obtained from 662 keV down to 59.5 keV. The Angular Resolution Measure (ARM) is 3.5 degree (FWHM) and 2.5 degree (FWHM) at 356 keV and 511 keV, respectively. The Si/CdTe Compton camera which has such good angular resolution is also attractive for medical imaging and/or nondestructive inspection. An internal structure of about one mm can be resolved when the distance between the camera and a target becomes closer than a few mm. We developed another prototype which enable us to approach the target down to 20 mm. In this presentation, we will show the experimental results of this prototype and also discuss Compton reconstruction methods.

11 件中 1件目~11件目を表示
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