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Simulation-based dynamic probabilistic risk assessment of an internal flooding-initiated accident in nuclear power plant using THALES2 and RAPID

久保 光太郎; Zheng, X.; 田中 洋一; 玉置 等史; 杉山 智之; Jang, S.*; 高田 孝*; 山口 彰*

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O; Journal of Risk and Reliability, 237(5), p.947 - 957, 2023/10

 被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:65.59(Engineering, Multidisciplinary)

確率論的リスク評価(Probabilistic Risk Assessment: PRA)は、大規模かつ複雑なシステムのリスクを評価するために用いられる手法である。しかし、従来のイベントツリーやフォールトツリーを用いたPRAでは、原子力発電所の構造物、系統及び機器が損傷するタイミングを考慮することは困難である。そこで、この課題を解決するために、RAPID(Risk Assessment with Plant Interactive Dynamics)を用いて、熱水力解析と外部事象のシミュレーションを組み合わせた手法を提案した。加圧水型原子炉のタービン建屋内での内部溢水を表現するために、ベルヌーイの定理に基づいた溢水伝播モデルを適用した。加えて、溢水源の流量や緩和システムの故障基準などの不確実さを考慮した。シミュレーションでは、運転員がいくつか簡略化を行うことにより、運転員による溢水源の隔離操作と排水ポンプを用いた回復操作をモデル化した。その結果、隔離と排水を組み合わせることで、溢水発生時の条件付炉心損傷確率を約90%低減できることが示された。


Uncertainty analysis of dynamic PRA using nested Monte Carlo simulations and multi-fidelity models

Zheng, X.; 玉置 等史; 高原 省五; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

Proceedings of Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM16) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2022/09

Uncertainty gives rise to the risk. For nuclear power plants, probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) systematically concludes what people know to estimate the uncertainty in the form of, for example, risk triplet. Capable of developing a definite risk profile for decision-making under uncertainty, dynamic PRA widely applies explicit modeling techniques such as simulation to scenario generation as well as the estimation of likelihood/probability and consequences. When quantifying risk, however, epistemic uncertainties exist in both PRA and dynamic PRA, as a result of the lack of knowledge and model simplification. The paper aims to propose a practical approach for the treatment of uncertainty associated with dynamic PRA. The main idea is to perform the uncertainty analysis by using a two-stage nested Monte Carlo method, and to alleviate the computational burden of the nested Monte Carlo simulation, multi-fidelity models are introduced to the dynamic PRA. Multi-fidelity models include a mechanistic severe accident code MELCOR2.2 and machine learning models. A simplified station blackout (SBO) scenario was chosen as an example to show practicability of the proposed approach. As a result, while successfully calculating the probability of large early release, the analysis is also capable to provide uncertainty information in the form probability distributions. The approach can be expected to clarify questions such as how reliable are results of dynamic PRA.


Dynamic probabilistic risk assessment of nuclear power plants using multi-fidelity simulations

Zheng, X.; 玉置 等史; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 223, p.108503_1 - 108503_12, 2022/07

 被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:91.81(Engineering, Industrial)

Dynamic probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) more explicitly treats timing issues and stochastic elements of risk models. It extensively resorts to iterative simulations of accident progressions for the quantification of risk triplets including accident scenarios, probabilities and consequences. Dynamic PRA leverages the level of detail for risk modeling while intricately increases computational complexities, which result in heavy computational cost. This paper proposes to apply multi-fidelity simulations for a cost- effective dynamic PRA. It applies and improves the multi-fidelity importance sampling (MFIS) algorithm to generate cost-effective samples of nuclear reactor accident sequences. Sampled accident sequences are paralleled simulated by using mechanistic codes, which is treated as a high-fidelity model. Adaptively trained by using the high-fidelity data, low-fidelity model is used to predicting simulation results. Interested predictions with reactor core damages are sorted out to build the density function of the biased distribution for importance sampling. After when collect enough number of high-fidelity data, risk triplets can be estimated. By solving a demonstration problem and a practical PRA problem by using MELCOR 2.2, the approach has been proven to be effective for risk assessment. Comparing with previous studies, the proposed multi-fidelity approach provides comparative estimation of risk triplets, while significantly reduces computational cost.


Enhancement of the treatment of system interactions in a dynamic PRA tool

田中 洋一; 玉置 等史; Zheng, X.; 杉山 智之

Proceedings of 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL 2020 and PSAM-15) (Internet), p.2195 - 2201, 2020/11

One advantage of dynamic probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) is that it can take into account the timing and ordering of event occurrences based on more explicit simulation of system dynamics. It is expected that dynamic PRA can lead us into a more realistic risk assessment, overcoming some limitations of conventional PRA. Multiple dynamic PRA tools have been developed worldwide, and applied to risk assessment of large industrial facilities such as nuclear power plants and crewed spacecrafts. Japan Atomic Energy Agency has developed the dynamic PRA tool, RAPID (Risk Assessment with Plant Interactive Dynamics), considering the interaction between accident simulation and dysfunctional models of safety-related systems. This paper introduces a recent enhancement of RAPID to treat more complicated simulation interactions from the outside of severe accident codes. It is designed to feed back and forth plant information from simulators to the accident sequence generator. It discusses how the enhancement affects the results of risk assessment, with an example analyzing thermal failure of a safety relief valve in a station blackout accident occurred at a boiling water reactor plant.


Dynamic PRA of flooding-initiated accident scenarios using THALES2-RAPID

久保 光太郎; Zheng, X.; 田中 洋一; 玉置 等史; 杉山 智之; Jang, S.*; 高田 孝*; 山口 彰*

Proceedings of 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL 2020 and PSAM-15) (Internet), p.2279 - 2286, 2020/11

確率論的リスク評価(PRA)は巨大かつ複雑なシステムをリスクを評価する手法の1つである。従来のPRA手法を用いて外部事象のリスクを評価する場合、構造物、系統及び機器の機能喪失時刻の取扱いが困難である。この解決策として、熱水力解析と外部事象評価シミュレーションをRAPID (Risk Assessment with Plant Interactive Dynamics)コードを用いて結合した。外部事象としてPWRプラントにおけるタービン建屋内での内部溢水を選定し、溢水進展評価にはベルヌーイ則に式を用いた。また、溢水源の流量及び緩和設備の没水基準に関する不確実さを考慮した。回復操作については、運転員による溢水源の隔離とポンプによる排水を仮定とともにモデル化した。結果として、隔離操作が排水と組み合わせることによりより有効になることが示された。


A Comparative study of sampling techniques for dynamic probabilistic risk assessment of nuclear power plants

久保 光太郎; Zheng, X.; 田中 洋一; 玉置 等史; 杉山 智之; Jang, S.*; 高田 孝*; 山口 彰*

Proceedings of Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications + Monte Carlo 2020 (SNA + MC 2020), p.308 - 315, 2020/10



Analysis for the accident at unit 2 of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS with THALES2/KICHE code in BSAF2 project

玉置 等史; 石川 淳; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

Proceedings of 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-18) (USB Flash Drive), p.100 - 111, 2019/08



Analysis for the accident at Unit 3 of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS with THALES2/KICHE Code in BSAF2 project

石川 淳; 玉置 等史; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

Proceedings of 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-18) (USB Flash Drive), p.536 - 547, 2019/08

Japan Atomic Energy Agency is pursuing the development and application of the integrated severe accident analysis code, THALES2/KICHE for analysis of severe accident progression and source term. The accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) from units 1 to 3 were analyzed using THALES2/KICHE code for better understanding of the accident in the OECD/NEA BSAF2 project. This paper describes three week analysis for the accident at unit 3. The leakage through the drywell head flange and an equipment hutch was assumed in order to reproduce the tendency of drywell pressure history in addition to the intermittent activation of the containment vessel venting system via the suppression chamber. As for the source term analysis, the dominant chemical forms for cesium and iodine were assumed to be cesium iodine (CsI) and cesium molibdate (Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$) based on the insights of the PHEBUS/FP experiments. The iodine chemical reaction kinetics in the containment aqueous phase, which were associated with the production of molecular iodine and organic iodide, were taken into consideration in the present analysis. The released iodine and cesium within three weeks after the earthquake were predicted to be approximately 3% and 6% of the initial inventory, respectively.


Analysis for the accident at unit 1 of the Fukushima Daiichi NPS with THALES2/KICHE code in BSAF2 project

玉置 等史; 石川 淳; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

Proceedings of 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-18) (USB Flash Drive), p.72 - 82, 2019/08



Sensitivity analysis of source term in the accident of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 1 using THALES2/KICHE

玉置 等史; 石川 淳; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

Proceedings of Asian Symposium on Risk Assessment and Management 2018 (ASRAM 2018) (USB Flash Drive), 6 Pages, 2018/10



Severe accident scenario uncertainty analysis using the dynamic event tree method

Zheng, X.; 玉置 等史; 石川 淳; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM-14) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2018/09

Several types of uncertainties exist during the simulation of a severe accident. These may result from incomplete knowledge about the plant systems, accident progression and oversimplified numerical models. Among them, parameter uncertainty can be treated via Monte-Carlo-sampling-based methods. To tackle the severe accident scenario uncertainty, we must resort to advanced dynamic probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) methods. In this paper, authors reviewed the previous dynamic PRA methods and tools, and then performed a preliminary scenario uncertainty analysis, by using an integrated SA code (THALES2) and a scenario generator (RAPID, risk assessment with plant interactive dynamics), both being developed at JAEA. THALES2 is a fast-running severe accident code for the simulation of severe accident progression and source term in light water reactors. Typical scenarios of station-blackout (SBO)-initiated accidents in boiling water reactors are generated and simulated. The dynamic event tree (DET) method is applied to consider the stochastic uncertainties during the scenario progression. Major groups of SBO sequences with the similar accident characteristics can be found. To provide a reference value for risk, a conditional core damage frequency is calculated accordingly. This is a preliminary analysis for severe accident scenario uncertainty quantification at JAEA, and further DPRA researches are in progress.



戸栗 智仁*; 沖原 光信*; 辻 正邦*; 中島 均*; 杉山 博一*; 齋藤 亮*; 佐藤 稔紀; 青柳 和平; 桝永 幸介

JAEA-Research 2017-013, 131 Pages, 2018/02




Current status of research for the accident of evaporation to dryness caused by boiling of reprocessed high level radioactive liquid waste

玉置 等史; 吉田 一雄; 阿部 仁; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

Proceedings of Asian Symposium on Risk Assessment and Management 2017 (ASRAM 2017) (USB Flash Drive), 9 Pages, 2017/11



Application of Bayesian approaches to nuclear reactor severe accident analysis

Zheng, X.; 玉置 等史; 塩津 弘之; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

Proceedings of Asian Symposium on Risk Assessment and Management 2017 (ASRAM 2017) (USB Flash Drive), 11 Pages, 2017/11

Nuclear reactor severe accident simulation involves uncertainties, which may result from incompleteness of modeling of accident scenarios, selection of alternative models and unrealistic setting of parameters during the numerical simulation, etc. Both deterministic and probabilistic methods are required to reach reasonable estimation of risk for severe accidents. Computational codes are widely used for the deterministic accident simulations. Bayesian approaches, including both parametric and nonparametric, are applied to the simulation-based severe accident researches at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). In the paper, an overview of these research activities is introduced: (1) Dirichlet process models, a nonparametric Bayesian approach, are applied to source term uncertainty and sensitivity analyses; (2) Gaussian process models are applied to the optimization for operations of severe accident countermeasures; (3) Nonparametric models, include models based on Dirichlet process and K-nearest neighbors algorithm, are built to predict the chemical forms of fission products. Simplified models are integrated into the integral severe accident code, THALES2/KICHE; (4) We have also launched the research of dynamic probabilistic risk assessment (DPRA), and because a great number of accident scenarios will be generated during DPRA, Bayesian approaches would be useful for the boosting of computational efficiency.


Development of hydrogen behavior simulation code system

寺田 敦彦; 松本 昌昭*; 杉山 均*; 上地 優; 日野 竜太郎

Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Hydrogen Safety (ICHS 2015) (CD-ROM), 11 Pages, 2015/10

原子力機構では、シビアアクシデント状況下における水素安全の向上に向けて、水素の発生から拡散、燃焼、爆発に至る挙動を予測する水素挙動解析システムの構築を進めている。システムは、研究者, エンジニア等のユーザを支援するために、様々なCFD, FEMコードで構成されている。本報では、水素挙動解析システムの構築に向けた取り組みの一環として、既存試験データを用いた浮力乱流モデル, 凝縮モデルについてのコード検証結果を報告する。


Development of hydrogen behavior simulation code system; Outline of code system and validation using existing data

寺田 敦彦; 松本 昌昭*; 杉山 均*; 上地 優; 門脇 敏*; 日野 竜太郎

Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2015/05

福島第一原子力発電所事故では、被覆管の酸化によって発生した大量の水素が原子炉建屋に漏洩し、水素爆発が引き起こることで環境に深刻な影響を与えるに至った。原子力発電所の安全対策のさらなる向上に向けて、特にシビアアクシデント時における、拡散流動、燃焼、爆発による構造物への影響を考慮した水素挙動を予測するシステムの開発を進めている。このシステムは、多くの研究者, 技術者を支援するために様々なCFD、及びFEMのツールで構成されている。本報では、開発を進めているシステムの概要と配管破断試験の予備解析にて良好な機能検証がえられた結果等を報告する。



杉山 均*; 高橋 佳多*; 加藤 直人*; 寺田 敦彦; 上地 優; 日野 竜太郎

自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集, (109-14), p.5 - 10, 2014/10




杉山 均*; 小手森 俊紀*; 加藤 直人*; 寺田 敦彦; 上地 優; 日野 竜太郎

自動車技術会学術講演会前刷集, (147-14), p.25 - 30, 2014/10



中性子小角散乱; 応用編

遠藤 仁; 杉山 正明*; 井上 倫太郎*

波紋, 22(3), p.258 - 267, 2012/08




岡垣 百合亜*; 杉山 均*; 加藤 直人*; 日野 竜太郎

自動車技術会論文集, 43(4), p.949 - 955, 2012/07


45 件中 1件目~20件目を表示