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Mutual separation of Am and Cm using ADAAM (alkyl DiAmide AMine) and reduction of volumes for liquid waste generated via batch-wise multistage extractions

佐々木 祐二; 金子 政志; 伴 康俊; 鈴木 英哉*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 61(7), p.883 - 893, 2024/07

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:59.55(Nuclear Science & Technology)

アルキルジアミドアミン(ADAAM)を使ったAm/Cm相互分離を行った。ADAAMは硝酸-ドデカン系で非常に高いAm/Cm分離比5.9を示した。1.5M硝酸-0.2M ADAAM条件を用いる多段抽出で抽出後の有機相中にAm 96.5%、Cm 1.06%回収できることを確認した。Am/Cm相互分離後に発生した水相、有機相体積削減のための付加的な多段抽出を行い、Am, Cmを2, 3段の水相に濃縮できることを確認した。


Experimental visualization of water/ice phase distribution at cold start for practical-sized polymer electrolyte fuel cells

樋口 雄紀*; 吉宗 航*; 加藤 悟*; 日比 章五*; 瀬戸山 大吾*; 伊勢川 和久*; 松本 吉弘*; 林田 洋寿*; 野崎 洋*; 原田 雅史*; et al.

Communications Engineering (Internet), 3, p.33_1 - 33_7, 2024/02

The automotive industry aims to ensure the cold-start capability of polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) for developing fuel cell electric vehicles that can be driven in cold climates. Water and ice behavior is a key factor in maintaining this capability. Previously reported methods for visualizing water and/or ice are limited to small-sized PEFCs ( $$<$$ 50 cm$$^{2}$$), while fuel cell electric vehicles are equipped with larger PEFCs. Here, we developed a system using a pulsed spallation neutron beam to visualize water distribution and identify water/ice phases in practical-sized PEFCs at a cold start. The results show direct evidence of a stepwise freezing behavior inside the PEFC. The produced water initially accumulated at the center of the PEFC and then froze, followed by PEFC shutdown as freezing progressed. This study can serve as a reference to guide the development of cold-start protocols, cell design, and materials for next-generation fuel cell electric vehicles.



豊田 智史*; 吉村 真史*; 住田 弘祐*; 三根生 晋*; 町田 雅武*; 吉越 章隆; 吉川 彰*; 鈴木 哲*; 横山 和司*

放射光, 35(3), p.200 - 206, 2022/05



Multipole polaron in the devil's staircase of CeSb

新井 陽介*; 黒田 健太*; 野本 拓也*; Tin, Z. H.*; 櫻木 俊輔*; Bareille, C.*; 明比 俊太朗*; 黒川 輝風*; 木下 雄斗*; Zhang, W.-L.*; et al.

Nature Materials, 21(4), p.410 - 415, 2022/04

 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:78.70(Chemistry, Physical)

Low-energy electronic structures of CeSb which shows multiple phase transitions known as devil's staircase were examined by combination of laser angle-resolved photoemission, Raman and neutron scattering spectroscopies. A new type of electron-boson coupling between the mobile electrons and quadrupole CEF-excitations of the 4f orbitals was found. The coupling is exceedingly strong and exhibits anomalous step-like enhancement during the devil's staircase transition, unveiling a new type of quasiparticle, named multipole polaron.


Defect equilibria and thermophysical properties of CeO$$_{2-x}$$ based on experimental data and density functional theory calculation result

渡部 雅; 中村 博樹; 鈴木 紀一; 町田 昌彦; 加藤 正人

Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 105(3), p.2248 - 2257, 2022/03

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:10.82(Materials Science, Ceramics)



X線光電子分光における時空間計測/解析技術の開発; NAP-HARPESから4D-XPSへ

豊田 智史*; 山本 知樹*; 吉村 真史*; 住田 弘祐*; 三根生 晋*; 町田 雅武*; 吉越 章隆; 鈴木 哲*; 横山 和司*; 大橋 雄二*; et al.

Vacuum and Surface Science, 64(2), p.86 - 91, 2021/02

X線光電子分光法における時空間的な測定・解析技術を開発した。はじめに、NAP-HARPES (Near Ambient Pressure Hard X-ray Angle-Resolved Photo Emission Spectroscopy)データにより、ゲート積層膜界面の時分割深さプロファイル法を開発した。この手法を用いて時分割ARPESデータからピークフィッティングとデプスプロファイリングを迅速に行う手法を確立し、4D-XPS解析を実現した。その結果、従来の最大エントロピー法(MEM)とスパースモデリングのジャックナイフ平均法を組み合わせることで、深さ方向プロファイルを高精度に実現できることがわかった。


Devil's staircase transition of the electronic structures in CeSb

黒田 健太*; 新井 陽介*; Rezaei, N.*; 國定 聡*; 櫻木 俊輔*; Alaei, M.*; 木下 雄斗*; Bareille, C.*; 野口 亮*; 中山 充大*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 11, p.2888_1 - 2888_9, 2020/06

 被引用回数:29 パーセンタイル:78.41(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Solids with competing interactions often undergo complex phase transitions. Among them, CeSb is the most famous material where a number of the distinct magnetic phases called devil's staircase appear. We observed the electronic structure evolution across the devil's staircase transitions using bulk-sensitive angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy.



今村 弘章; 鈴木 将*; 下山 一仁; 宮越 博幸

JAEA-Technology 2019-005, 163 Pages, 2019/06




Published electronic media are becoming Grey

熊崎 由衣; 鈴木 悟; 金澤 将士*; 国井 克彦; 米澤 稔; 板橋 慶造*

The Grey Journal; An International Journal on Grey Literature, 15(1), p.45 - 50, 2019/04

原子力機構(JAEA)図書館では会議録や技術レポートを重視して収集している。これらはCD-ROMやUSB等の記録媒体を用いて電子的に刊行されることが増えているが、紙媒体と比較して電子情報の記録媒体の保管可能な年限は短い。たとえばJAEA図書館では1990年代に発行された図書と技術レポートを所蔵しているが、再生機器等の更新に伴って利用できなくなっている資料があり、長期保存や利用環境の維持が課題である。対策としては資料と再生機器のメンテナンス, エミュレーションやマイグレーションが望ましいが、十分にできているとは言い難い。電子情報の長期保存と利用についてJAEA図書館の現状を報告するとともに、公刊された電子媒体情報がGreyになりつつある点について問題提起を行った。


Published electronic media are becoming Grey

熊崎 由衣; 鈴木 悟; 金澤 将士*; 国井 克彦; 米澤 稔; 板橋 慶造

Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Grey Literature (GL-20), p.99 - 104, 2019/02



Theoretical elucidation of Am(III)/Cm(III) separation mechanism with diamide-type ligands using relativistic density functional theory calculation

金子 政志; 鈴木 英哉; 松村 達郎

Inorganic Chemistry, 57(23), p.14513 - 14523, 2018/12

 被引用回数:22 パーセンタイル:78.20(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)



Spontaneous formation of suboxidic coordination around Co in ferromagnetic rutile Ti$$_{0.95}$$Co$$_{0.05}$$O$$_2$$ film

Hu, W.*; 林 好一*; 福村 知昭*; 赤木 和人*; 塚田 捷*; 八方 直久*; 細川 伸也*; 大和田 謙二; 高橋 正光; 鈴木 基寛*; et al.

Applied Physics Letters, 106(22), p.222403_1 - 222403_5, 2015/06

 被引用回数:41 パーセンタイル:81.20(Physics, Applied)

The local atomic structures around Co in high temperature diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor Co-doped TiO$$_2$$ has been investigated using X-ray fluorescence holography and X-ray absorption fine structure experiments. While the Co atoms in the Ti$$_{0.99}$$Co$$_{0.01}$$O$$_2$$ simply substituted for Ti sites in the rutile structure, a suboxidic arrangement of CoO$$_2$$Ti$$_4$$ was found to form around Co in the Ti$$_{0.95}$$Co$$_{0.05}$$O$$_2$$ films. First-principles calculations supported the stability of the aggregated suboxidic clusters in the rutile TiO$$_2$$. The suboxidic coordination may be the source of strong exchange interaction, resulting in the high Curie temperature in Co-dopedTiO$$_2$$.


Switching of intra-orbital spin excitations in electron-doped iron pnictide superconductors

飯村 壮史*; 松石 聡*; 宮川 仁*; 谷口 尚*; 鈴木 雄大*; 臼井 秀知*; 黒木 和彦*; 梶本 亮一; 中村 充孝; 稲村 泰弘; et al.

Physical Review B, 88(6), p.060501_1 - 060501_5, 2013/08

 被引用回数:26 パーセンタイル:70.11(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

We investigate the doping dependence of the magnetic excitations in two-superconducting-dome-system LaFeAsO$$_{1-x}$$D$$_{x}$$. Using inelastic neutron scattering, spin fluctuations at different wavenumbers were observed under both superconducting domes around $$x = 0.1$$ and 0.4, but vanished at $$x = 0.2$$ corresponding to the $$T_c$$ valley. Theoretical calculations indicate that the characteristic doping dependence of spin fluctuations is rationally explained as a consequence of the switching of the two intra-orbital nestings within Fe-3$$d_{YZ, ZX}$$ and 3$$d_{X^2-Y^2}$$ by electron doping. The present results imply that the multi-orbital nature plays an important role in the doping and/or material dependence of the $$T_{c}$$ of the iron pnictide superconductors.


Morphological change of self-organized protrusions of fluoropolymer surface by ion beam irradiation

喜多村 茜; 小林 知洋*; 佐藤 隆博; 江夏 昌志; 神谷 富裕; 鈴木 晶大*; 寺井 隆幸*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 307, p.614 - 617, 2013/07

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:47.55(Instruments & Instrumentation)

A Teflon surface was covered with micro-protorusions after keV ion beam irradiation. The dense protrusions were formed by etching and subsequent self-organizing. Their formation depended on the ion energy because beam heating and the amount of the molecule scissions gave a significant effect on the density of protrusions. The ion energy had the specific range to create a surface covered with protrusions. In the low energy below 60 keV, the fluence required for get protrusions was very high. The surface was almost smooth with few protrusions while in the energies higher than 350 keV. When the ion energy was between 60 and 350 keV, the density of the protrusions became lower with increasing the energy.



木村 明博; 谷本 政隆; 石田 卓也; 土谷 邦彦; 長谷川 良雄*; 菱沼 行男*; 鈴木 将*

JAEA-Technology 2011-012, 17 Pages, 2011/06

JAEA-Technology-2011-012.pdf:1.72MB特願 2010-263801   公報

$$^{99}$$Mo-$$^{rm 99m}$$Tcジェネレータ用のMo吸着剤として高分子ジルコニウム化合物(PZC)が開発された。しかしながら、PZCは腐食性ガスを発生する等の欠点があり、これらの欠点を改善するため、新たな無機高分子系吸着剤として、チタンをベースとした高分子チタニウム化合物(PTC)の開発に着手した。試作したPTCの性能を確認するため、$$^{99}$$Mo吸着及び$$^{rm 99m}$$Tc溶離試験を行った。その結果、吸着性能については、PZCに劣るものの、溶離率及び溶離特性についてはPZCを上回る性能を持つことが確認できた。


Structural phase transition in the spin gap system YbAl$$_3$$C$$_3$$

松村 武*; 稲見 俊哉; 小坂 昌史*; 加藤 慶顕*; 犬飼 敬希*; 落合 明*; 中尾 裕則*; 村上 洋一*; 片野 進*; 鈴木 博之*

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 77(10), p.103601_1 - 103601_4, 2008/10

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:62.42(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

The unresolved phase transition at 80K in YbAl$$_3$$C$$_3$$ has been studied by X-ray diffraction. It has been confirmed that the transition is a structural one with atomic displacement. Superlattice reflections that appear below 80K show that the crystal structure changes from hexagonal to orthorhombic. From the reflection conditions, we conclude that the space group in the low temperature phase is Pbca, where all the atoms occupy the general 8c site. By fitting the observed intensities, we present two possible models of atomic displacement. The displacement results in the deformation of the triangular lattice of Yb spins, which is considered to be responsible for the formation of a spin-singlet ground state at low temperatures.



鈴木 賢治*; 菖蒲 敬久; 和田 国彦*; 松原 秀彰*; 川村 昌志*

材料, 57(7), p.674 - 680, 2008/07

CoNiCrAlY was pressureless plasma-sprayed on a substrate of nickel-base superalloy as a bond coating. Under the substrate rotation, zirconia with 4mol yttria was coated as the top coating by the electron beam-physical vapor deposition (EB-PVD). The rotation speed of the substrate was 5, 10 and 20rpm. The top coating was made by the columnar structure which consisted of the core part and the peripheral part. The top of the core part had a pyramidal shape made by piling up the zirconia (111) planes. The peripheral part showed feather-like structure, which was made by growth of the zirconia $$<$$100$$>$$ and (111) directions. By the increase in the rotation speed, the column becomes thick and the inter-columnar space becomes large. The substrate rotation is useful for the reduction of the residual stresses in the EB-PVD thermal barrier coating.



栃木 善克; 吉川 英樹; 青木 和弘; 油井 三和; 浅野 貴博*; 本條 秀子*; 萩沼 真之*; 川上 泰*; 鈴木 和則*

JAEA-Research 2008-025, 55 Pages, 2008/03





鈴木 賢治*; 和田 国彦*; 松原 秀彰*; 菖蒲 敬久; 川村 昌志*; 田中 啓介*

材料, 56(7), p.588 - 593, 2007/07




栃木 善克; 吉川 英樹; 青木 和弘; 油井 三和; 本條 秀子*; 萩沼 真之*; 川上 泰*; 鈴木 和則*

JAEA-Research 2007-010, 51 Pages, 2007/03



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