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Journal Articles

Safety demonstration project on disposing of contaminated soil in Tokai-mura

Murata, Chinatsu; Kitahara, Masaru; Tanaka, Kiwamu; Amazawa, Hiroya; Takebe, Shinichi; Yamada, Osamu*; Kameo, Yutaka

Dekomisshoningu Giho, (62), p.20 - 31, 2020/09

On the basis of Act on Special Measures, municipalities stripped surface soil off the playground of park to decontaminate the soil which had been contaminated with radionuclides released from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. To minimize the exposure dose of the residents, it was essential to decide safe disposal of the contaminated soil which has been stored at temporary storage areas. Therefore, the ministry of the Environment and Tokai-mura office required Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) to perform demonstration project of burying the contaminated soil generated by decontamination of public facilities in order to provide decision on the enforcement ordinance and guidelines of burying it. In this project, we acquired data of air dose rate and the personal exposure dose during transporting, burying, and storing the contaminated soil. In addition, we measured radioactivity concentration of dust collected from surroundings of the landfill and seepage water through contaminated soil.

JAEA Reports

Calculation of the dose equivalent rate based on the unit concentration of contaminated soil in a flexible container

Sugaya, Toshikatsu; Abe, Daichi; Takebe, Shinichi; Nakatani, Takayoshi; Sakai, Akihiro

JAEA-Technology 2016-018, 20 Pages, 2016/09


Decontamination to the pollution which occurred with an accident of a nuclear power plant with Tohoku-district Pacific offing earthquake has been performed. The contaminated soil which occurred in decontamination stores it in the flexible container back, and is the kept situation. To presume concentration of radioactivity of contents from the dose of the flexible container, the 1cm dose equivalent rate per the unit concentration of radioactivity was calculated with QAD-CGGP2R.

JAEA Reports

Preliminary calculation of concentration corresponding to the dose criterion for materials, etc. in the non-controlled area

Takebe, Shinichi; Sasaki, Toshihisa; Saito, Tatsuo; Yamaguchi, Naoko

JAEA-Technology 2013-033, 87 Pages, 2013/11


Materials, etc. in a non-controlled area is, if the criteria (10 microsieverts per year) listed below that in "A guideline regarding treatment of materials in nuclear facilities considering the influence of fallout released from the accident of TEPCO's Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station" (March 30, 2012), that in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, such as "Waste Disposal and Cleaning Act" (Act No. 137 of 1970), effective use as a resource or be properly disposed of is required. In this paper, in order to effectively use as resources or properly disposed of the materials, etc. in a non-controlled area, radioactivity concentration of materials, etc. in you see " For clearance level specified in Radiation Hazards Prevention Law" and "Radionuclide Concentrations for Materials not Requiring Treatment as Radioactive Wastes Generated from Dismantling etc. of Reactor Facilities and Nuclear Fuel Use Facilities (in Japanese), NSC Japan, 2005." corresponds to the dose of the above criteria the presented results have been estimated as an example.

JAEA Reports

Survey report of regulation trend relate to uranium bearing waste in an international organization and foreign countries

Ouchi, Masaru; Takebe, Shinichi; Kawatsuma, Shinji; Fukushima, Tadashi*

JAEA-Review 2012-019, 186 Pages, 2013/02


We have reviewed information about justification for establishing uranium bearing waste acceptance for near surface disposal (trench and concrete pit disposals) in foreign countries, to intend to discuss clearance level and disposal of uranium bearing waste in Japan. Most of EU countries have adopted the unconditional clearance level 1 Bq/g described in EU Guidance RP 122 Part 1 and IAEA Safety Guide RS-G-1.7 for uranium wastes. And in the case of special landfill burial, the conditional clearance level about 10 Bq/g (equivalent to exemption level) has been adopted in Germany, Sweden and UK.

Journal Articles

Rapid separation of alpha-emitting nuclides in radioactive waste

Hoshi, Akiko; Watanabe, Koichi; Fujiwara, Asako; Haraga, Tomoko; Kameo, Yutaka; Nakashima, Mikio; Takebe, Shinichi

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 7(3), p.177 - 185, 2008/09

The simple and rapid separation method was developed for actinides in the low-level radioactive waste. Extraction chromatographic columns were used for the separation of U, Np, Pu, Am, and Cm in the solution of the simulated solidified product and the simulated waste solution. In the investigation of separation procedure, it was tried to construct the scheme with the relatively non-corrosive reagents aiming to apply to the routine analysis of the radioactive waste. Recoveries and decontamination factors of actinides in the solution of simulated waste were high enough to determine of actinides in radioactive waste by alpha-spectrometry, mass spectroscopy. The time required of the separation operation was 2-3 hours. The chromatographic method was applied to analysis of actinide in actual waste solution, high recoveries and decontamination factors were obtained, which indicated that the extraction chromatographic separation method would be adopted as a simple and rapid separation method of actinide in waste.

JAEA Reports

Analysis of Hydraulic and Transport Characteristics in Fracture of Micro Structure Using Cell Automata

Nishiyama, Satoshi*; Uehara, Shinichi*; Yano, Takao*; Saito, Ryuhei*; Uchida, Masahiro; Sawada, Atsushi; Takebe, Atsuji

JNC TY8400 2005-007, 70 Pages, 2005/03



JAEA Reports

Data on mechanical properties of rocks in Japan for subsurface disposal of radioactive waste

Hagiwara, Shigeru*; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki*; Takebe, Shinichi; Nakayama, Shinichi

JAERI-Data/Code 2004-004, 167 Pages, 2004/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Data on permeability coefficient of rocks in Japan for subsurface disposal of radioactive waste

Hagiwara, Shigeru*; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki*; Takebe, Shinichi; Nakayama, Shinichi

JAERI-Data/Code 2004-003, 159 Pages, 2004/03


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Measurement method of the distribution coefficient on sorption process; On until now history and situation on the standardization in the AESJ

Takebe, Shinichi; Fujiwara, Keiji*; Moriyama, Hirotake*

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai "Shisetsu, Kankyo Hoshano Dotai" Kenkyu Senmon Iinkai Hokokusho, p.1 - 9, 2003/03

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Survey of the geological characteristics on the Japanese Islands for disposal of RI and research institute waste

Hagiwara, Shigeru*; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki; Takebe, Shinichi; Ogawa, Hiromichi; Nakayama, Shinichi

JAERI-Review 2002-038, 107 Pages, 2002/12


For the disposal of radioactive waste arising from radioactive utilization facilities and nuclear facilities, it is necessary to establish the disposal system in proportion to half-lives of radionuclides and radioactivity concentration in the waste. It is important to grasp the features of the earth scientific phenomena and geological structure of our country for the disposal system of radioactive waste. Then, for the porpose of the survey of the geological characteristics around the Japanese Islands whole neiborhood, the earth scientific phenomena at present, geological structure and geotectonic history were summarized on the basis of the existing literatures.

Journal Articles

Sorption characteristics of actinium and protactinium onto soils

Sakamoto, Yoshiaki; Ishii, Tomoaki*; Inagawa, Satoshi*; Gunji, Yasuyoshi*; Takebe, Shinichi; Ogawa, Hiromichi; Sasaki, Tomozo*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 39(Suppl.3), p.481 - 484, 2002/11

Sorption behavior of 227Ac and 233Pa onto several kinds of soils has been studied with a sequential extraction technique, for safety assessment of shallow land disposal of uranium bearing waste. After a batch sorption experiment, the sorbed form of 227Ac and 233Pa onto the soils was fractionated into ion exchange form (extraction by KCl+CaCl2), association with Fe+Mn oxides (extraction by NH2OH-HCl and oxalic acid), association with organic materials (extraction by H2O2) and fixation into soil (residual). From the results of the sequential extraction, major part of 227Ac sorbed onto the soils was found in the fraction of the ion exchange form and the fixation into the soils. On the other hand, major part of 233Pa was found in the fraction of the association with Fe+Mn oxides and the fixation into the soils. These results suggest that the sorption behavior of 227Ac and 233Pa is related to the irreversible sorption reaction onto the soils.

Journal Articles

Measurement of distribution coefficients for uranium series radionuclides under shallow land environment condition, 1

Ishii, Tomoaki*; Inagawa, Satoshi*; Gunji, Yasuyoshi*; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki; Takebe, Shinichi; Ogawa, Hiromichi; Sasaki, Tomozo*

Genshiryoku Bakkuendo Kenkyu, 8(1), p.55 - 64, 2001/09

Distribution coefficients of Uranium series nuclide(Pb,Ra,Ac,Th,Pa and U) were obtained under aerated zone environment and aquifer environment, for the safety evaluation of shallow underground disposal of uranium bearing waste. The distribution coefficients of them on 4 kinds of soil such as the loam in the rain water as for aerated zone environment and on 3 kinds of soil and rock such as the sand in groundwater as for aquifer environment have been measured by batch method. The distribution coefficients in aerated zone environment were one or two orders in magnitude higher than that in aquifer environment, except Ac. And, there was approximately the linear correlation on the relationship between cation exchange capacity and specific surface area, which are representative physical property of the soil, and distribution coefficient of lead, radium and protactinium.

Journal Articles

Measurement of distribution coefficients of U series radionuclides on soils under shallow land environment, 2; pH dependence of distribution coefficients

Sakamoto, Yoshiaki; Ishii, Tomoaki*; Inagawa, Satoshi*; Gunji, Yasuyoshi*; Takebe, Shinichi; Ogawa, Hiromichi; Sasaki, Tomozo*

Genshiryoku Bakkuendo Kenkyu, 8(1), p.65 - 76, 2001/09

In order to study adsorption behavior of U series radionuclides(Pb, Ra, Th, Ac, Pa and U) in aerated zone environment (loam-rein water system) and aquifer environment(sand-groundwater system) for safety assessment of U bearing waste), pH dependence of distribution coefficients of each element have been obtained. The pH dependence of distribution coefficients of U, Ac, Th, Ra and Pb was analyzed by model calculation of adsorption behavior based on chemical forms of each elements and soil surface characteristics, which are a cation exchange capacity and surface charge. From model calculation of adsorption behavior, the distribution coefficients' values and adsorption behavior of Pb, Ra, Th, Ac and U could be showed by a combination of cation exchange and surface-complexation adsorption model.

Journal Articles

Effect of flow field on colloid deposition in filtration process of polystyrene latex particles through columns packed glass beads

Chinju, H.*; Nagasaki, Shinya*; Tanaka, Satoru*; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki; Takebe, Shinichi; Ogawa, Hiromichi

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 38(8), p.645 - 654, 2001/08

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:26.81(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Questionnaire on the measurement condition of distribution coefficient

Takebe, Shinichi; Kimura, Hideo; Matsuzuru, Hideo; Takahashi, Tomoyuki*; Yasuda, Hiroshi*; Uchida, Shigeo*; Mahara, Yasunori*; Saeki, Akiyoshi*; Sasaki, Noriyuki*; Ashikawa, Nobuo*; et al.

JAERI-Review 2001-015, 81 Pages, 2001/05


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of database on the distribution coefficient, 2; Preparation of database

Takebe, Shinichi; Abe, Masayoshi

JAERI-Data/Code 2001-006, 96 Pages, 2001/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of database on the distribution coefficient, 1; Collection of the distribution coefficient data

Takebe, Shinichi; Abe, Masayoshi

JAERI-Data/Code 2001-005, 344 Pages, 2001/03


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Sorption behavior of radium and actinium on soils

Sakamoto, Yoshiaki; Takebe, Shinichi; Ogawa, Hiromichi; Muraoka, Susumu; Ishii, Tomoaki*; Inagawa, Satoshi*; Gunji, Yasuyoshi*

Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol.663, p.1207 - 1214, 2001/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Integrated disposal system concering to waste of RI and research institute

Hagiwara, Shigeru*; Sakamoto, Yoshiaki; Takebe, Shinichi; Okuda, Katsuzo*; Ogawa, Hiromichi

JAERI-Research 2000-039, 119 Pages, 2000/09


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Intercomparison of measurements and questionnaire on the distribution coefficient

Takahashi, Tomoyuki*; Takebe, Shinichi; Kimura, Hideo; Matsuzuru, Hideo; Yasuda, Hiroshi*; Uchida, Shigeo*; Saeki, Akiyoshi*; Mahara, Yasunori*; Sasaki, Noriyuki*; Ashikawa, Nobuo*; et al.

KURRI-KR-44, p.169 - 176, 2000/02

no abstracts in English

51 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)