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牧野 高紘; 小野田 忍; 平尾 敏雄; 大島 武; 小林 大輔*; 池田 博一*; 廣瀬 和之*
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.169 - 172, 2010/10
百合 庸介; 湯山 貴裕; 石坂 知久; 石堀 郁夫; 奥村 進
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.121 - 124, 2010/10
A research and development study has been in progress on the formation and irradiation of a uniform ion beam using multipole magnets at TIARA of JAEA. The uniform beam irradiation system is based on the nonlinear focusing method, which enables us to make the beam's Gaussian distribution uniform and irradiate any position on a large-area sample at a constant particle fluence rate. In this paper, several measurement techniques have been investigated to tune the beam in real time and evaluate characteristics of a large-area uniform beam. By measuring the 2D relative distribution using radiochromic films, we have confirmed that a uniform proton beam of 6 cm square with 6 % uniformity is formed. Features of the uniform irradiation by means of the nonlinear focusing method are also discussed.
大島 武; 岩本 直也; 小野田 忍; 牧野 高紘; 出来 真斗; 野崎 眞次*
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.85 - 88, 2010/10
In order to investigate radiation response of Silicon Carbide (SiC) Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (MOS) devices, current induced from SiC MOS capacitors by oxygen (O) ion was investigated. MOS capacitors were fabricated on an n-type 6H-SiC epitaxial layer, and charge induced in the MOS capacitors by 15 MeV oxygen ion microbeams was measured using Transient Ion Beam Induced Current (TIBIC). As a result, the peak amplitude of TIBIC signals decreases and the fall time increases with increasing number of incident ions. The decrease in peak amplitude of the TIBIC signal eventually saturated after an incidence of 1000 ions. The TIBIC signal peak value can be refreshed to its original value by applying a positive bias of 1V to the oxide electrode. Charge collection, also, shows similar behavior to that of the TIBIC peak. These results can be interpreted in terms of charge trapping or de-trapping by deep hole traps near the interface of SiC and SiO.
高橋 芳浩*; 竹安 秀徳*; 岡崎 勇志*; 平尾 敏雄; 小野田 忍; 大島 武
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.173 - 175, 2010/10
SOI(Silicon on Insulator)上に作製したpnダイオードにおける重イオン照射誘起電流について検討を行った。逆バイアス印加時の試料に18MeV酸素イオンを照射した結果、理論的に活性層で発生する電荷に比べ多量の電荷が発生することが観測された。解析の結果、これは支持基板内で発生した電荷の収集(変位電流による)によるものと確認された。これより、SOIデバイスの放射線耐性向上のためにはBOXを介した変位電流抑制が重要であることが判明した。シミュレーションにより、支持基板のタイプや不純物密度が収集電荷量に及ぼす影響を評価した結果、支持基板を高不純物濃度化するなどの方法で支持基板表面の空乏層幅を減少させることにより、BOX層を介した電荷収集が抑制可能であることが見いだされた。
阿保 智*; 増田 直之*; 若家 富士男*; 小野田 忍; 牧野 高紘; 平尾 敏雄; 大島 武; 岩松 俊明*; 尾田 秀一*; 高井 幹夫*
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.72 - 75, 2010/10
Partial Trench Isolation(PTI)技術を用いて作製したボディ電位固定構造の基板浮遊効果抑制力の影響を検証するため、SOI SRAMのソフトエラー発生率評価をHe及びOイオンで行った。また、同様の構造をTCAD上に再現し、SRAMではなく単体トランジスタにイオンが入射したときにドレイン電極に捕集される電荷量の計算も行った。Heイオンを用いた実験では、5.0及び6.0MeVのエネルギー領域で、ボディ電極から電極パッドまでの距離が遠くなるにつれてソフトエラー発生率が高くなった。解析の結果これは、基板浮遊効果抑制力がボディ電極と電極パッドの距離により変化することで解釈された。また、実験結果とTCADシミュレーション結果から、本実験で用いたSOI SRAMの実際のしきい値電荷は1.1-1.2fCであることがわかった。一方、酸素イオンを用いた実験では、13.5, 15.0, 18.0MeVの照射で、距離に関係なくソフトエラー発生率が一定となった。これは、ドレインで捕集される電荷量が距離にかかわらず、しきい値電荷よりも多くなるためである。以上より、PTIを用いて作製したボディ電位固定構造は、電極パッドからボディ電極までの距離により基板浮遊効果の抑制力に差があることを明らかにした。
丸 明史*; 久保山 智司*; 新藤 浩之*; 海老原 司*; 槇原 亜紀子*; 平尾 敏雄; 田村 高志*
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.64 - 67, 2010/10
近年の微細化プロセスを用いて作製された半導体回路は、放射線に対して非常に敏感になってきている。この問題を解決するためシングルイベント誤動作(SET)に対して特に強いとされているメモリ回路であるDICE(DualInterlocked Storage Cell)を基本にしたSET対策付きフリップフロップを、90nmバルクCMOSプロセスを用いて設計し、従来のTMR(Triple Modular Redundant)技術と動作速度・面積について比較を行った。その結果、TMRとDICE回路を、同等のSET耐性を持つように設計した場合、DICEはTMRよりも動作速度・面積ともにアドバンテージがあることが明らかとなった。また、同プロセスにてDICEベースのSET対策付きラッチ回路を搭載したTEGデバイスを製造し耐性の放射線照射試験を実施した。TIARA施設のカクテルビームを用いてイオン入射角度依存性を調べたところ、ある限定した角度照射において、放射線感度が非常に高くなるという現象が見いだされた。
Cai, L.*; 平尾 敏雄; 矢野 博明*; Duan, Z.*; 高柳 秀治*; 植木 秀治*; 大島 武; 西岡 泰城*
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.176 - 178, 2010/10
小野田 忍; Vizkelethy, G.*; 牧野 高紘; 岩本 直也; 児島 一聡*; 野崎 眞次*; 大島 武
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.230 - 233, 2010/10
Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor (MOSFET) fabricated on Silicon Carbide (SiC) is regarded as a promising candidate for high-power and high-frequency electronic devices because of its excellent electrical and thermal properties. Transient currents were measured for 6H-SiC MOSFETs fabricated with three different gate oxides by using 18 MeV Oxygen and 50 MeV Cu microbeams at JAEA and Sandia National Laboratories. The 2-Dimensional Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) simulations were performed to clarify the mechanisms behind the transient events. According to both experiments and simulations, the typical parasitic bipolar amplification is observed when an ion strikes the drain contact. As a result of bipolar amplification, the drain current is larger than the ideal value.
出来 真斗; 伊藤 拓人*; 富田 卓朗*; 松尾 繁樹*; 橋本 修一*; 北田 貴弘*; 井須 俊郎*; 小野田 忍; 大島 武
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.218 - 221, 2010/10
Femtosecond laser exhibits extremely high peak intensity and short pulse duration, and can process inside transparent materials without damaging the surface of sample. In this study, the local electrical conductivity in Silicon Carbide (SiC) is evaluated. As a result of femtosecond laser irradiation with various irradiation fluences, the drastic change of electrical conductivity is observed in resistivity ranges from 10 to 10
. It is found that the local conductivity strongly depends on the fluence. We suggest that the local conductivity is attributed to the phase transition. From the surface observations by Secondary Electron Microscopy (SEM), we conclude that the formation of the classical laser-induced periodic structures causes the sudden increase in the electrical conductivities.
松浦 秀治*; 柳澤 英樹*; 西野 公三*; 野尻 琢慎*; 小野田 忍; 大島 武
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.89 - 91, 2010/10
Change of temperature dependence of hole concentration (p(T)) in lightly Aluminium (Al)-doped 4H-SiC (Silicon Carbide) epilayers by 100 or 150 keV electron irradiation was investigated. Moreover, the decrease in the electron concentration (n(T)) in lightly Nitrogen(N)-doped n-type 4H-SiC epilayers by 200 keV electron irradiation was investigated. In the lightly Al-doped 4H-SiC, p(T) was unchanged by 100 keV electron irradiation at fluences up to 710
. However, 150 keV electron irradiation, the reduction of p(T) was observed. This suggests that the 150 keV electron irradiation can displace substitutional carbon (C) atoms in SiC. In the lightly N-doped 4H-SiC, n(T) over the temperature range of the measurement was reduced by 200 keV electrons. This result is quite different from that in the lightly Al-doped 4H-SiC, because p(T) in Al-doped 4H-SiC was reduced only at low temperatures by 200 keV electrons.
岩本 直也; 小野田 忍; 牧野 高紘; 大島 武; 児島 一聡*; 小泉 淳*; 内田 和男*; 野崎 眞次*
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.222 - 225, 2010/10
Time-dependent collected charges of 6H-SiC (Silicon Carbide) pn diodes have been studied by using alpha particles. To investigate the impact of electron irradiation-induced defects on the time-dependent collected charges, temperatures of the samples were varied from 180 K to 310 K during the measurements. For electron-irradiated diode, the collected charges increase promptly and continue to increase slightly for tens of microseconds. The slight increases of charges are results of carrier detrapping by the electron irradiation-induced defects. It is also found that amount of detrapped charges depends on the temperatures. Two clear peaks at 205 K and 280 K are found for the electron-irradiated diode. These peaks are considered to be attributed to the defects which located at two different energy levels in the band gap.
宮崎 尚*; 守本 純*; 戸田 耕司*; 小野田 忍; 大島 武
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.226 - 229, 2010/10
LiNO has several advantages for opto-electronic and acousto-optic applications including waveguides, modulators, second harmonic generators and surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices. In this study, we characterized the defects in electron irradiated LiNbO
single crystal substrates using Raman. The Raman peak of symmetrical O-Nb-O bending mode drastically decreased with increasing electron irradiation. It is thought that the electron irradiation gives the biggest influence on the Nb-O bond.
佐藤 真一郎; 齋 均*; 大島 武; 今泉 充*; 島崎 一紀*; 近藤 道雄*
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.183 - 186, 2010/10
In this paper, we present in-situ measurement results of the conductivity variations of hydrogenated amorphous silicon thin films during and after 10 MeV proton irradiations. The results showed that the conductivities drastically increased at first and turned into decrease with further irradiation. On the other hand, the photosensitivity had a minimum value at around a maximum value of the conductivity. This fact indicates that the conductive carriers generated by light illumination are not dominant to the electric conduction in this regime, and thus the extremely high conductivity cannot be explained by a general interpretation of radiation induced conductivity.
倉島 俊; 吉田 健一; 佐藤 隆博; 宮脇 信正; 柏木 啓次; 奥村 進; 神谷 富裕; 横田 渉
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.234 - 237, 2010/10
A heavy-ion microbeam is provided for the TIBIC experiment and living-cell irradiation in biotechnology at the JAEA AVF cyclotron facility. A microbeam of 260-MeV Ne
with a spot size less than 1
m in diameter is formed using a flat-top acceleration system. Users of the microbeam need a wide range of linear energy transfer (LET), and the ion species and/or energy have to be changed in order to vary LET. However, it takes a few hours to tune the cyclotron for the microbeam formation so that a microbeam of one species is usually provided in one beam time. A cocktail beam acceleration technique has been adopted to change the ion species quickly. In this technique, ion species having almost the same mass to charge ratio (M/Q) are injected into the cyclotron simultaneously, and only one ion species whose cyclotron resonance frequency is equal to the acceleration frequency is extracted from the cyclotron. Another species is extracted by slightly shifting the acceleration frequency. The magnetic rigidity of extracted beams is the same, therefore, lens parameters of the beam transport line are not required to be changed basically. Quick change of ion species of microbeam from 260-MeV
to 520-MeV
was examined for a cocktail with M/Q = 2.85 and successfully performed within 30 minutes.
池田 直美*; 久保山 智司*; 丸 明史*; 平尾 敏雄; 阿部 浩之; 田村 高志*
Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Devices for Space Applications (RASEDA-9), p.163 - 166, 2010/10