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鈴木 恵理子; 高瀨 学; 中島 邦久; 西岡 俊一郎; 橋本 直幸*; 磯部 繁人*; 逢坂 正彦
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2019/05
Pshenichnikov, A.; 倉田 正輝; 永江 勇二; 山崎 宰春
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2019/05
The paper summarizes the first results of a thorough SEM investigation uncovering the process of channel box wall penetration by Fe-Cr-Ni-B containing melt. The preliminary oxidation of channel box is shown to play an important role on severe accident progression resulted in the suppression of channel box massive destruction. Only one small droplet came out to the other side of channel box. The mechanism of local beginning of oxide layer destruction with subsequent Zircaloy-4 channel box penetration is under discussion.
日高 昭秀; 氷見 正司*; Addad, Y.*
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2019/05
福島第一原子力発電所事故で炉心溶融を起こした原子炉燃料のほとんどは原子炉圧力容器外に落下した。その溶融過程や放射性物質の放出挙動は、現在でも十分に解明されていない。主な不確実性として、溶融炉心が最初に冷却された後も、数時間以上の冷却停止が何回か起きたことが挙げられる。注水再開前のデブリは高温になっていたと考えられ、ドイツのQUENCH実験では、水蒸気枯渇状態において酸化した金属が還元され、注水再開時に発生する水蒸気によって酸化が促進し、温度上昇と水素発生量の増加が観測された。1号機でも同様の事象が起きた可能性があり、3/14 21時30分頃に正門付近で観測された線線量の増加は、3/14 20時に再開した注水と温度上昇に伴うFPの放出促進で、同日21時に観測された中性子は、冷却水が溶融プールに接触した際に溶融物・冷却材相互作用により放出されたCmの自発核分裂で説明可能である。また、3/15 2時30分に注水が再開した3号機でも水素発生は増加し、発生した水蒸気とともに4号機の原子炉建屋に運ばれた結果、3/15早朝の4号機水素爆発の主な誘因となった可能性がある。
古澤 彰憲; 西村 昭彦; 竹仲 佑介; 村松 壽晴
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2019/05
白数 訓子; 鈴木 晶大*; 永江 勇二; 倉田 正輝
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2019/05
仲吉 彬; 池内 宏知; 北垣 徹; 鷲谷 忠博; Bouyer, V.*; Journeau, C.*; Piluso, P.*; Excoffier, E.*; David, C.*; Testud, V.*
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2019/05
A large-scale Molten Core-Concrete Interaction (MCCI) test (VF-U1) under the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F) conditions (core material composition, concrete, and decay heat) was conducted at the large MCCI test facility (VULCANO) owned by French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) in France. About 50 kg of simulated debris was melted and brought into contact with concrete to erode concrete under 1F conditions. After cooling, the concrete test section (concrete and MCCI product) was dismantled. Main observations of the structure of solidified pool (crust, porosity, oxide/metal layer, etc.) and of the ablation are given. The technical results obtained herein are summarized, and they provide interesting knowledge that will help with the decommissioning of 1F.
Liu, J.; 土津田 雄馬; 北垣 徹; 香西 直文; 山路 恵子*; 大貫 敏彦
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 2 Pages, 2019/05
Mohamad, A.*; 中島 邦久; 鈴木 恵理子; 三輪 周平; 逢坂 正彦; 大石 佑治*; 牟田 浩明*; 黒崎 健*
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2019/05
井元 純平; 三輪 周平; 逢坂 正彦
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2019/05
高畠 容子; 駒 義和
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2019/05
Radioactive nuclides contaminated F1NPS on the severe accident. It is necessary to discuss about radioactive waste processing and disposal. To investigate contamination process for the waste is important to establish methodologies for their management. Operation floor of unit 2 reactor building was highly contaminated, and boring cores of floor and ceiling were radiochemicaly analyzed. Comparing with distribution of Cs and dose rate indicated the difference of degree of contamination between the floor and ceiling. Contamination with Pu, Am and Cm was higher at the floor above the reactor shield plug, where is considered that the contaminated gas leaked. Degree of contamination of H, Co, Tc, Am and Cm were highest at the point of the opposite side of the blow out panel among several sampling point of the ceiling. From the activity ratio of U to U with samples, the origin of uranium was the damaged fuel.
谷藤 祐太; 川端 邦明
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2019/05
This paper describes about the development of an environment recognition method with point cloud data collected in a dark place like Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). We reported the results of a feasibility study of the structure discriminations from LiDAR 3D point cloud data by a deep learning approach. Proposed method utilizes the image data of projected 3D point cloud as input for the classifier instead of coordinate data of 3D points directly. This idea realized to make shorten the learning time without large capacity of the memory for the computations. We selected five kinds of structures (Stairs, Pipe, Grating, Switchboard and Valve) commonly appeared in the general plant as a discrimination subjects for evaluating proposed method. As a result, the classifier showed an accuracy of 99.6% to five categories and we could confirm the validity of proposed method for the structure discrimination.
羽成 敏秀; 川端 邦明
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 4 Pages, 2019/05
福島第一原子力発電所の廃炉作業において、作業を円滑に進めるために原子炉建屋内の状態を把握することは重要である。本発表では、福島第一原子力発電所で撮影された画像から復元された立体モデルの視認性を改善する方法について報告する。提案手法は、画像の品質を改善する前処理、立体復元を行うStructure from Motion (SfM)、視認性を向上させた立体モデルを生成する後処理の3つのプロセスから構成されている。提案手法を用いて、東京電力ホールディングスのHP上で公開されている水中ROVによる原子炉格納容器(PCV)内の調査動画から得られた時系列画像に対して立体復元を試みた。その結果から、時系列画像から構造物の大まかな立体復元が可能であることが確認できた。
西村 昭彦; 吉田 稔*; 山田 知典; 荒川 了紀
Proceedings of International Topical Workshop on Fukushima Decommissioning Research (FDR 2019) (Internet), 3 Pages, 2019/05