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廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京工業大学*
JAEA-Review 2024-010, 112 Pages, 2024/08
廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京大学*
JAEA-Review 2024-007, 83 Pages, 2024/06
天谷 政樹
High Temperature Corrosion of Materials, 101(3), p.455 - 469, 2024/06
被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)Zirconium (Zr)-based alloys are widely used as fuel cladding material for light water reactors. Under a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) condition, the oxidation of fuel cladding by high-temperature steam induces the degradation of mechanical properties of the cladding and would affect the integrity of fuel rods and/or assemblies, etc., during LOCA. In this study, the distribution of the elements (zirconium, oxygen, tin, iron and chromium) in Zircaloy-4 cladding specimens oxidized in the temperature range of 1350-
1700 K in steam was analyzed along the radial direction of the specimens by using SEM/EPMA, and the cause of element distribution in the specimens was discussed in consideration of the morphology of precipitates in the specimens and hypothesized phase diagrams related to the elements contained in the specimens. The form of the particles precipitated and the comparison between SEM/EPMA results and hypothesized phase diagrams of Zr-Sn-O system suggested that the liquefaction of tin-rich material and/or Zr-(Fe,Cr) compounds occurred during the oxidation test. The results obtained indicate that Zircaloy-4 cladding tubes would start melting at the melting point of tin-oxide and the eutectic point of Zr-(Fe,Cr)compounds, which is much lower than the melting point of Zr,
-Zr(O), or zirconium oxide (ZrO
成川 隆文; 近藤 啓悦; 藤村 由希; 垣内 一雄; 宇田川 豊; 根本 義之
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 587, p.154736_1 - 154736_8, 2023/12
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:34.39(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)To evaluate the oxidation and embrittlement behavior of an oxide-dispersion-strengthened FeCrAl (FeCrAl-ODS) cladding tube under loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) conditions, we conducted isothermal oxidation and ring-compression tests on unirradiated, stress-relieved FeCrAl-ODS cladding tube specimens. Further, we discussed the loss of coolable geometry of the reactor core loaded with the FeCrAl-ODS cladding tubes under LOCA conditions, using data from the ring-compression tests in this study and the integral thermal shock tests from our previous study. The results reveal that oxidation kinetics of the FeCrAl-ODS cladding tube at 1523 K is four orders of magnitude lower than that of a conventional Zircaloy cladding tube, which highlights the exceptional oxidation resistance of the FeCrAl-ODS cladding tube. The breakaway oxidation of the FeCrAl-ODS cladding tube was observed at 1623 K for durations equal to or exceeding 6 h, and melting was observed at 1723 K. The ring-compression and the integral thermal shock tests indicate that, depending on the oxidation time, the ductile to brittle transition threshold - as determined by the ring-compression test - exists between 1623 K and 1723 K. Meanwhile, the fracture threshold - established through the integral thermal shock test - falls between 1573 K and 1673 K. Therefore, taking a conservative approach based on available data, the fracture and non-fracture results from the integral thermal shock tests can define the lower and upper boundaries of the threshold for the loss of coolable geometry of the reactor core during a LOCA.
Mohamad, A. B.; 根本 義之; 古本 健一郎*; 岡田 裕史*; 佐藤 大樹*
Corrosion Science, 224, p.111540_1 - 111540_15, 2023/11
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:33.88(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)The steam oxidation test on the Cr-coated Zry cladding was studied up to 1400C to understand the oxidation behavior under the accidental conditions. The double-sided oxidation test study showed that Cr coating can protect Zry cladding at 1200
C within 5 min. Cr coating has a protective effect on the Zry cladding up to 1200
C in a steam environment. However, in the oxidation test up to 1200
C/30 min and 1300
C/5 min, Cr coating can no longer protect Zry cladding. Furthermore, at 1300
C, the intermetallic phase of the Zr(Cr, Fe)
phase that precipitated within the Zry substrate formed as globule microstructures with Fe enrichment. In addition, the transition of the intermetallic phase within the Zry substrate from the solid to the pre-liquid and liquid phases was observed, where it was determined at 1350
C/60 min and 1400
C/30 min within the ZrO
phase (outer side region). The oxidation of the Zr(Cr, Fe)
interlayer was also determined in this study, where it resulted in the formation of the oxide phase of Cr, Zr, and Fe. It is worth mentioning that further experiments, such as mechanical testing and modeling, should be considered to support the degradation of the Cr-coated Zry cladding mainly when the liquid phase of the intermetallic phase is obtained for beyond design-basis accident environment.
McGrady, J.; 熊谷 友多; 北辻 章浩; 桐島 陽*; 秋山 大輔*; 渡邉 雅之
RSC Advances (Internet), 13(40), p.28021 - 28029, 2023/09
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:15.68(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)使用済核燃料の埋設処分において、キャニスタが破損して核燃燃料が地下水と接触すると、水の放射線分解により発生した酸化性物質とUOが反応する。炭酸水素イオンが存在する地下水中での、H
日高 昭秀; 川島 茂人*; 梶野 瑞王*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 60(7), p.743 - 758, 2023/07
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:57.39(Nuclear Science & Technology)福島事故時に放出された放射性物質量の推定は、原子炉の事故進展や環境影響の評価にとって不可欠である。そこで、ヨウ素,Csに次いで放出量が多いTeについて、単位放出量を想定したメソスケール気象モデル計算で得られた時間ごとの沈着量に基づいて沈着量分布を重み付けする、単位放出回帰推定法を用いて検討した。前回の検討では、この手法の適用性確認に主眼を置き、発生源について暫定的な結果を得ることができた。しかし、その後の検討で、放出があったと思われる期間の一部が放出推定期間から欠落していると、ソースターム計算全体に歪みが生じることが判明した。このため、本研究では、推定期間を延長し、主要な放出を全て含むように再計算を行った。その結果、これまで特定されなかった放出事象が明らかになり、炉内事象との対応も確認できた。また、炉心注水時のZr被覆管完全酸化によるTe放出事象を考慮することにより、土壌汚染マップにおける
西村 大樹*; 幸塚 麻里子*; 福田 朱里*; 石村 豊穂*; 天野 由記; 別部 光里*; 宮川 和也; 鈴木 庸平*
Environmental Microbiology Reports (Internet), 15(3), p.197 - 205, 2023/06
被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:38.58(Environmental Sciences)地下深部の地下水は、微生物活動などにより酸素が消費され、一般に還元性になっている。幌延の深部地下水では、微生物活動による二酸化炭素還元反応により強還元雰囲気が維持されている。一方で、幌延深地層研究センター地下研究施設の一部のボーリング孔では、嫌気的環境にも関わらずメタン酸化機能を持つ微生物の存在が明らかにされている。局所的ではあるものの、地下深部の強還元雰囲気において進行する酸化反応機構の解明を目的として、本研究では、原位置の水質・水圧を模擬し、この嫌気的メタン酸化微生物の培養を行った。その結果、地下水中の懸濁物に含まれる非晶質鉄あるいは2八面体型スメクタイトに含まれる3価鉄が酸化剤として機能していることが分かった。このような酸化剤が地下深部に存在する要因の一つとして、ボーリングの掘削泥水などの掘削に伴う人為的影響が挙げられる。高レベル放射性廃棄物の地層処分において閉鎖後の処分場坑道周辺の酸化性環境は、周辺母岩中の鉱物との反応等により本来の還元性に戻ると考えられている。本研究で得られた知見は、この処分場閉鎖後の回復過程についてより正確な理解に繋がる成果である。
廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京大学*
JAEA-Review 2022-036, 115 Pages, 2023/01
小松 篤史
JAEA-Research 2021-019, 24 Pages, 2022/05
廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京大学*
JAEA-Review 2021-058, 75 Pages, 2022/02
粟飯原 はるか; 渡部 創; 柴田 淳広; Mahardiani, L.*; 大友 亮一*; 神谷 裕一*
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 139, p.103872_1 - 103872_9, 2021/09
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:44.71(Nuclear Science & Technology)To prevent unexpected accidents at nuclear facilities caused by accumulated ammonium nitrate in an aqueous liquid waste containing ammonium salts and nitric acid, NH
in the liquid waste must be decomposed under mild reaction conditions. In this study, we investigated the oxidative decomposition of NH
with O
at 333 K in the presence of a homogeneous Co
catalyst and Cl
in the wide pH range of the test solution. The reaction behavior was greatly affected by pH of the test solution. In a basic solution at pH 12, high conversion of NH
was obtained even in the absence of Co
and Cl
and the main product was NO
. However, Co
and Cl
in the solution greatly enhanced the decomposition rate of NH
in acidic to mild basic solutions (pH 1-8), while only low conversion of NH
was observed unless both Co
and Cl
were present. For the reaction with Co
and Cl
in the solutions, NH
was transformed mainly into chloramines (NH
, x = 1-3) by the reaction with HClO, which was formed by the reaction of Cl
with O
catalyzed by the homogeneous Co
catalyst, and led to the high decomposition rate of NH
. Cl
suppressed the formation of the precipitate CoO(OH) during the reaction and consequently the Co
catalyst stably existed in the reaction solution, which was another reason for the high decomposition rate of NH
in the presence of Cl
. Owing to the swift decomposition of NH
under mild reaction conditions and small formation of secondary waste, the oxidative decomposition of NH
in the presence of the homogeneous Co
catalyst and Cl
is suitable and applicable for the treatment of the aqueous liquid waste containing ammonium salts and nitric acid.
Pham, V. H.; 倉田 正輝; Steinbrueck, M.*
Thermo (Internet), 1(2), p.151 - 167, 2021/09
Since the nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in 2011, a considerable number of studies have been conducted to develop accident tolerant fuel (ATF) claddings for safety enhancement of light water reactors. Among many potential ATF claddings, silicon carbide is one of the most promising candidates with many superior features suitable for nuclear applications. In spite of many potential benefits of SiC cladding, there are some concerns over the oxidation/corrosion resistance of the cladding, especially at extreme temperatures (up to 2000C) in severe accidents. However, the study of SiC steam oxidation in conventional test facilities in water vapor atmospheres at temperatures above 1600
C is very challenging. In recent years, several efforts have been made to modify existing or to develop new advanced test facilities to perform material oxidation tests in steam environments typical of severe accident conditions. In this article, the authors outline the features of SiC oxidation/corrosion at high temperatures, as well as the developments of advanced test facilities in their laboratories, and, finally, give some of the current advances in understanding based on recent data obtained from those advanced test facilities.
McGrady, J.; 熊谷 友多; 渡邉 雅之; 桐島 陽*; 秋山 大輔*; 北村 暁; 紀室 辰伍
RSC Advances (Internet), 11(46), p.28940 - 28948, 2021/08
被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:28.27(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)The rate of U release is affected by bicarbonate (HCO) concentrations in the groundwater, as well as H
produced by water radiolysis. To understand the dissolution of U
by H
in bicarbonate solution (0.1 - 50 mM), dissolved U concentrations were measured upon H
addition (300
M) to U
/bicarbonate mixtures. As the H
decomposition mechanism is integral to U dissolution, the kinetics and mechanism of H
decomposition at the U
surface was investigated. The dissolution of U increased with bicarbonate concentration which was attributed to a change in the H
decomposition mechanism from catalytic at low bicarbonate (
5 mM HCO
) to oxidative at high bicarbonate (
10 mM HCO
). Catalytic H
at low bicarbonate was attributed to the formation of an oxidised surface layer.
永瀬 文久; 成川 隆文; 天谷 政樹
JAEA-Review 2020-076, 129 Pages, 2021/03
井岡 郁夫; 栗木 良郎*; 岩月 仁; 川井 大輔*; 横田 博紀*; 稲垣 嘉之; 久保 真治
Proceedings of 2020 International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE 2020) (Internet), 5 Pages, 2020/08
Pham, V. H.; 永江 勇二; 倉田 正輝; Bottomley, D.; 古本 健一郎*
Journal of Nuclear Materials, 529, p.151939_1 - 151939_8, 2020/02
被引用回数:17 パーセンタイル:87.32(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)As expected for accident tolerant fuels, investigation of steam oxidation for silicon carbide under the conditions beyond design basis accident scenarios is needed. Many studies focused on steam oxidation of SiC at temperatures up 1600C have been conducted and reported in the literature. However, behavior of SiC in steam at temperatures above 1600
C still remains unclear. To complete this task, we have designed and manufactured a laser heating facility for steam oxidation at extreme temperatures. With the facility, we report the first results on the steam oxidation behavior of SiC at temperatures range of 1400-1800
C for short term exposure of 1-7 h under atmospheric pressure. Based on the mass change of SiC samples, parabolic oxidation rate and linear volatilization rate were calculated. The oxidation layer appears to be maintained at 1800
C in steam, but the bubble formation phenomenon suggests other volatilization reactions may limit its life.
成川 隆文; 天谷 政樹
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 57(1), p.68 - 78, 2020/01
被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:27.62(Nuclear Science & Technology)To evaluate the fracture limit of high-burnup advanced fuel cladding tubes under loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) conditions, laboratory-scale integral thermal shock tests were performed using the following advanced fuel cladding tubes with burnups of 73 - 85 GWd/t: M-MDA, low-tin ZIRLO
, M5
, and Zircaloy-2 (LK3). In total eight integral thermal shock tests were performed for these specimens, simulating LOCA conditions including ballooning and rupture, oxidation, hydriding, and quenching. During the tests, the specimens were oxidized to 10% - 30% equivalent cladding reacted (ECR) at approximately 1473 K and were quenched under axial restraint load of approximately 520 - 530 N. The effects of burnup extension and use of the advanced fuel cladding tubes on the ballooning and rupture, oxidation, and hydriding under LOCA conditions were inconsiderable. Further, the high-burnup advanced fuel cladding tube specimens did not fracture in the ECR values equal to or lower than the fracture limits of the unirradiated Zircaloy-4 cladding tube reported in previous studies. Therefore, it can be concluded that the fracture limit of fuel cladding tubes is not significantly reduced by extending the burnup to approximately 85 GWd/t and using the advanced fuel cladding tubes, though it slightly decreases with increasing initial hydrogen concentration.
Pham, V. H.; 永江 勇二; 倉田 正輝; 古本 健一郎*; 佐藤 寿樹*; 石橋 良*; 山下 真一郎
Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference / Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference (Global/Top Fuel 2019) (USB Flash Drive), p.670 - 674, 2019/09
Silicon carbide (SiC) has recently attracted much attention as a potential material for accident tolerant fuel cladding. To investigate the performance of SiC in severe accident conditions, study of steam oxidation at high temperatures is necessary. However, the study focusing on steam oxidation of SiC at temperatures above 1600C is still certainly limited due to lack of test facilities. With the extreme oxidation/corrosion environment in steam at high temperatures, current refractory materials such as alumina and zirconia would not survive during the tests. Application of laser heating technique could be a great solution for this problem. Using laser heating technique, we can localize the heat and focus them on the test sample only. In this study, we developed a laser heating facility to investigate high-temperature oxidation of SiC in steam at temperature range of 1400-1800
C for 1-7 h. The oxidation kinetics is then being studied based on the weight gain and observation on cross-sectioned surface of tested sample using field emission scanning electron microscope. Off-gas measurement of hydrogen (H
) and carbon monoxide (CO) generated during the test is also being conducted via a sensor gas chromatography. Current results showed that the SiC sample experienced a mass loss process which obeyed paralinear laws. Parabolic oxidation rate constant and linear volatilization rate constant of the process were calculated from the mass change of the samples. The apparent activation energy of the parabolic oxidation process was calculated to be 85 kJ.mol
. The data of the study also indicated that the mass change of SiC under the investigated conditions reached to its steady stage where hydrogen generation became stable. Above 1800
C, a unique bubble formation on sample surface was recorded.
成川 隆文; 天谷 政樹
Proceedings of International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference / Light Water Reactor Fuel Performance Conference (Global/Top Fuel 2019) (USB Flash Drive), p.912 - 921, 2019/09
To evaluate behavior of high-burnup advanced light-water-reactor fuel cladding tubes under loss-of-coolant accident conditions, laboratory-scale isothermal oxidation tests and integral thermal shock tests were performed using the following advanced fuel cladding tubes with burnups of 73-85 GWd/t: M-MDA, low-tin ZIRLO
, M5textregistered, and Zircaloy-2 (LK3). The isothermal oxidation tests were performed in steam-flowing conditions at temperatures ranging from 1173 to 1473 K for durations between 120 and 4000 s. The oxidation kinetics of the high-burnup advanced fuel cladding tube specimens was comparable to or slower than that of the unirradiated Zircaloy-4 cladding tube and was slower than that given by the Baker-Just oxidation rate equation. Therefore, the oxidation kinetics is considered to be not significantly accelerated by extending the burnup and changing the alloy composition. During the integral thermal shock tests, the high-burnup advanced fuel cladding tube specimens did not fracture under the oxidation condition equivalent to or lower than the fracture limit of the unirradiated Zircaloy-4 cladding tube. Therefore, the fracture limit of fuel cladding tubes is considered to be not significantly reduced by extending the burnup and changing the alloy composition, though it may slightly decrease with increasing initial hydrogen concentration.