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 年 ~ 

Tuning of dissociative-adsorption processes on Cu{1 0 0} by controlling the kinetic energy of the impinging O$$_{2}$$ molecule


岡田 美智雄*; 盛谷 浩右; 吉越 章隆 ; 寺岡 有殿; 中西 寛*; Di$~n$o, W. A.*; 笠井 秀明*; 笠井 俊夫*

Okada, Michio*; Moritani, Kosuke; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Teraoka, Yuden; Nakanishi, Hiroshi*; Di$~n$o, W. A.*; Kasai, Hideaki*; Kasai, Toshio*


O$$_{2}$$ molecules adsorb dissociatively on Cu{1 0 0} surfaces to form the oxygen-saturated surface with the coverage of 0.5 ML. It has been found that the oxidation has proceeded more than 0.5 ML by using 2.3-eV-O$$_{2}$$ molecular beams. The kinetics of the adsorption reaction was the first order. This reveals that the collision-induced adsorption results in the adsorption of only one oxygen atom. On the other hand, the reaction kinetics showed the second order in the case of 0.6-eV-O$$_{2}$$ incidence. This implies that tentative molecular adsorption takes place in such low collision energy case.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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