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Pressure effect on antiferromagnetic ordering in UIn$$_3$$


芳賀 芳範   ; 本多 史憲*; 江藤 徹二郎*; 巨海 玄道*; 加賀山 朋子*; 竹下 直*; 毛利 信男*; 中西 剛司*; 常盤 欣文*; 青木 大*; 大貫 惇睦*

Haga, Yoshinori; Honda, Fuminori*; Eto, Tetsujiro*; Omi, Gendo*; Kagayama, Tomoko*; Takeshita, Nao*; Mori, Nobuo*; Nakanishi, Takeshi*; Tokiwa, Yoshifumi*; Aoki, Dai*; Onuki, Yoshichika*


Pressure phase diagram of the antiferromagnet UIn3 was constructed from the electrical resistivity measurement under high pressures up to 9 GPa. Neel temperature increases monotonically with increasing pressure from 88 K at ambient pressure to 127 K at 9 GPa. We observed an additional resistive anomaly at 21 K under 1.4 GPa. This anomaly brings about an increase of the residual resistivity. The transition temperature decreases gradually with increasing pressure and disappears around 8 GPa.



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分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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