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 年 ~ 


Application to Bunsen reaction of radiation grafted polymer electrolyte membrane

田中 伸幸 ; 浅野 雅春; 小貫 薫; 前川 康成

Tanaka, Nobuyuki; Asano, Masaharu; Onuki, Kaoru; Maekawa, Yasunari


In thermochemical water-splitting IS process, the start reaction is Bunsen reaction. It is expected that the efficiency of IS process is improved by carrying out this reaction through the membrane. In JAEA, the development of the radiation grafted polymer electrolyte membrane was pushed forward and the result for fuel cells was gained. This study was examined the applicability to Bunsen reaction of this membrane. As a result, this membrane could increase the concentration of H$$_{2}$$SO$$_{4}$$ and HI at 40 $$^{circ}$$C. This indicated the possibility of applicability to Bunsen reaction. However, this membrane was lowered selectivity of proton.



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