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Recent improvement of DARWIN; Dose monitoring system applicable to various radiations with wide energy ranges


佐藤 達彦   ; 佐藤 大樹   ; 遠藤 章   ; 執行 信寛*; 保田 浩志*; 高田 真志*; 矢島 千秋*; 中村 尚司

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Satoh, Daiki; Endo, Akira; Shigyo, Nobuhiro*; Yasuda, Hiroshi*; Takada, Masashi*; Yajima, Kazuaki*; Nakamura, Takashi


A dose monitoring system applicable to various radiations with wide energy ranges, DARWIN, has been developed for measuring dose rates in workspaces and surrounding environments of accelerator facilities. DARWIN satisfies the following features: (1) capable of monitoring doses from neutrons, photons and muons over wide energy ranges, from thermal energy to 1 GeV, 150 keV to 100 MeV, and 1 MeV to 100 GeV, respectively, (2) high sensitivity and precision, more than 10 times as sensitive as conventional moderator-based survey instruments for neutrons, (3) easy to operate with a simple user-interface, and (4) light weighted for movability. The commercial version of DARWIN is expected to be available in near future.



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