※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Formation behavior of solvated electron and dimer radical anion in ionic liquids of thiocyanate salts

永石 隆二 ; 青柳 登   ; 榛葉 祐介; 田口 光正; 近藤 孝文*; Yang, J.*; 吉田 陽一*

Nagaishi, Ryuji; Aoyagi, Noboru; Shinha, Yusuke; Taguchi, Mitsumasa; Kondo, Takafumi*; Yang, J.*; Yoshida, Yoichi*


Radiolytic reactions in ionic liquids of thiocyanate salts were studied by means of the nano-second pulse radiolysis technique. One of the significant ionization sites of liquids was found out to be thiocyanate ion by observing direct formation of its dimer radical ion, not ${it via}$ the diffusive encounter between thiocyanate radical and ion. The formation and reaction behaviors of solvated electron and dimer were examined by changing the composition of liquids and by adding electron scavengers to the liquid.



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