Adv.-ORIENT cycle; Its scientific progress and the engineering feasibility
先進オリエントサイクル; その科学的進展と工学的成立性
小澤 正基; 鈴木 達也*; 小山 真一
; 山岸 功
; 藤田 玲子*; 岡田 賢*; 蓼沼 克嘉*; 三村 均*; 藤井 靖彦*
Ozawa, Masaki; Suzuki, Tatsuya*; Koyama, Shinichi; Yamagishi, Isao; Fujita, Reiko*; Okada, Ken*; Tatenuma, Katsuyoshi*; Mimura, Hitoshi*; Fujii, Yasuhiko*
Feasibility studies on Adv.-ORIENT Cycle are progressed allowing to use hydrochloric acid as well as nitric acid. Tertiary pyridine resin enabled to separate MA/Ln and then Am/Cm precisely from the irradiated nuclear fuel, and very pure Am and Cm products were recovered. Catalytic electrolytic extraction of RMFP(Rare Metal Fission Product) was verified. RMFP-deposit electrodes made from simulated HLLW showed high catalytic reactivity on electrolytic production of hydrogen. Hastelloy-B and Ta were confirmed their anti-corrosiveness in highly concentrated hydrochloric acid media. Thermo-chemical stability for Tertiary Pyridine Resin was verified in either HCl or HNO
media toward its practical use in the reprocessing. The separation and utilization of RMFP in spent fuel would not only open a new direction in fuel cycle mission, but also improve the existing process performance of reprocessing, vitrification and the repository tasks.