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$$^{237}$$Np nuclear relaxation rate in heavy fermion superconductor NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$

中堂 博之 ; 徳永 陽  ; 神戸 振作  ; 酒井 宏典   ; 青木 大*; 本間 佳哉*; 芳賀 芳範   ; 松田 達磨; 大貫 惇睦; 安岡 弘志; Walstedt, R. E.*

Chudo, Hiroyuki; Tokunaga, Yo; Kambe, Shinsaku; Sakai, Hironori; Aoki, Dai*; Homma, Yoshiya*; Haga, Yoshinori; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Onuki, Yoshichika; Yasuoka, Hiroshi; Walstedt, R. E.*

$$^{27}$$Al nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/$$^{27}T_1$$ has been measured in heavy fermion superconductor NpPd$$_5$$Al$$_2$$ for a wide range of external fields between 0.7 and 11 T. We found that 1/$$^{27}T_1$$ exhibits a strong, field-dependent behavior at low fields below $$Hsim 3$$ T, which is attributed to unlike-spin cross relaxation between $$^{237}$$Np and $$^{27}$$Al. An analysis based on the cross relaxation process allows us to make the first quantitative estimates of the Np nuclear relaxation rate 1/$$^{237}tau$$ in an itinerant 5$$f$$ electron system. The estimated values of 1/$$^{237}tausim6 times 10^{7}$$ s$$^{-1}$$, with a weak temperature variation, are below the resolution of NMR relaxation times, indicating that a direct observation of the $$^{237}$$Np NMR signal would be very difficult, at least in the paramagnetic state. It is proposed that a direct observation of $$^{237}$$Np NMR might be possible in the superconducting state at $$Tsim 1$$ K.



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