※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

福島原発事故後のリスクコミュニケーションの実践,2-4; 住民意識の考察; 内部被ばく検査を受検した福島県民の意識

Risk communication practice after the Fukushima nuclear accident, 2-4; Awareness of Fukushima residents in internal dosimetry by using whole body counters

古野 朗子   ; 米澤 理加; 徳永 博昭*; 堀越 秀彦*; 杉山 顕寿; 高下 浩文 

Furuno, Akiko; Yonezawa, Rika; Tokunaga, Hiroaki*; Horikoshi, Hidehiko*; Sugiyama, Kenji; Takashita, Hirofumi


Japan Atomic Energy Agency has been carrying out internal dosimetry for Fukushima residents by trust of Fukushima prefecture from July 2011. To perform result explanation on the inspection day is the merit of investigation at JAEA. As a result of analysis of the awareness of the examinee, anxiety about radiation exposure tended to be considerably reduced after inspection. The importance of the interactive communication was demonstrated.



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