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Radiation monitoring using the unmanned helicopter after the accident of the nuclear power plant

眞田 幸尚   ; 西澤 幸康; 山田 勉; 池田 和隆*; 松井 雅士*; 土田 清文; 佐藤 義治; 平山 弘克; 高村 善英; 西原 克哉; 伊村 光生; 石田 睦司; 卜部 嘉; 志風 義明 ; 杉田 武志*; 近藤 敦哉*; 鳥居 建男  

Sanada, Yukihisa; Nishizawa, Yukiyasu; Yamada, Tsutomu; Ikeda, Kazutaka*; Matsui, Masashi*; Tsuchida, Kiyofumi; Sato, Yoshiharu; Hirayama, Hirokatsu; Takamura, Yoshihide; Nishihara, Katsuya; Imura, Mitsuo; Ishida, Mutsushi; Urabe, Yoshimi; Shikaze, Yoshiaki; Sugita, Takeshi*; Kondo, Atsuya*; Torii, Tatsuo


By the nuclear disaster of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), caused by the East Japan earthquake and the following tsunami occurred on March 11, 2011, a large amount of radioactive materials was released from the NPP. In recent years, technologies for autonomous unmanned helicopters (AUHs) have been developed and applied to natural disasters. In expectation of the application of the AUHs to aerial radiation monitoring, we had developed a remote radiation monitoring system. Then, we measured the radiation level by using unmanned helicopter in soil contaminated areas by radioactive cesium emitted from the NPP to evaluate ambient dose-rate distribution around the areas and to investigate the decontamination effect by the measurements before and after decontamination treatment. Here, we reports on the measurement technique and the result.



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