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Effect of flavin compounds on uranium(VI) reduction- kinetic study using electrochemical methods with UV-vis spectroscopy


山崎 信哉*; 田中 万也  ; 香西 直文   ; 大貫 敏彦

Yamasaki, Shinya*; Tanaka, Kazuya; Kozai, Naofumi; Onuki, Toshihiko


This study examined the rate constant for the U(VI) reduction process by three flavin analogues, which are redox-active biomolecules secreted from anaerobic bacteria, to elucidate their substituent group effect on the U(VI) reduction rate by electrochemical methods. The formation of the U(IV) was monitored by UV-vis spectrometry in the presence of the flavins. The rate constant for the U(VI) reduction by the flavins was determined. The apparent reduction potential of U(VI) increased about 0.2 V in the presence of the mediators, which strongly suggests that the biological electron mediator makes the U(VI) reduction possible even under more oxidative conditions.



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分野:Geochemistry & Geophysics



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