福島第一原発港湾からの放射性セシウム137の推定流出量の変遷; 2011年4月2018年6月までの7年間に渡る月間流出量の推定
Seven-year temporal variation of cesium-137 discharge inventory from the port of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant; Continuous monthly estimation of cesium-137 discharge in the period from April 2011 to June 2018
町田 昌彦 ; 山田 進 ; 岩田 亜矢子; 乙坂 重嘉 ; 小林 卓也 ; 渡辺 将久; 船坂 英之; 森田 貴己*
Machida, Masahiko; Yamada, Susumu; Iwata, Ayako; Otosaka, Shigeyoshi; Kobayashi, Takuya; Watanabe, Masahisa; Funasaka, Hideyuki; Morita, Takami*
After direct discharges of highly-contaminated water from Unit 2 and 3 in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (1F) in April to May 2011, Kanda suggested that relatively small run-off of radionuclides from 1F port into Fukushima coastal region has subsequently continued by using his estimation scheme. However, the estimation period was limited until September 2012, and there has been no report on the issue since the work. Therefore, this paper focuses on discharge inventory from 1F port until June 2018. In the missing period, the central government and Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings have done continuous efforts to stop the discharge, and consequently sea water concentration inside 1F port has diminished gradually. We show monthly discharge inventory of Cs-137 until June 2018 by two schemes, i.e., Kanda's scheme partially improved by authors and more sophisticated one using Voronoi tessellation reflecting the increment of the number of monitoring points inside 1F port. The results show that the former always presents overestimated results compared to the latter but the ratio of former to latter is less than one order. Based on these results, we evaluate impact of discharge inventory from 1F port into the coastal area and radiation does via fish digestion.