※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Nuclear structure of $$^{76}$$Ni from the ($$p$$,$$2p$$) reaction


Elekes, Z.*; Kripk$'o$, $'A$*; Sohler, D.*; Sieja, K.*; 緒方 一介*; 吉田 数貴   ; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Authelet, G.*; 馬場 秀忠*; Calvet, D.*; Ch$^a$teau, F.*; Corsi, A.*; Delbart, A.*; Gheller, J.-M.*; Gillibert, A.*; Isobe, T.*; Lapoux, V.*; 松下 昌史*; 籾山 悟至*; 本林 透*; 大津 秀暁*; P$'e$ron, C.*; Peyaud, A.*; Pollacco, E. C.*; Rouss$'e$, J.-Y.*; 櫻井 博儀*; Santamaria, C.*; Shiga, Y.*; Takeuchi, S.*; Taniuchi, R.*; Uesaka, T.*; Wang, H.*; 米田 健一郎*; Browne, F.*; Chung, L. X.*; Dombr$'a$di, Zs.*; Flavigny, F.*; Franchoo, S.*; Giacoppo, F.*; Gottardo, A.*; Hady$'n$ska-Kl$c{e}$k, K.*; Korkulu, Z.*; Koyama, S.*; Kubota, Y.*; Lee, J.*; Lettmann, M.*; Louchart, C.*; Lozeva, R.*; 松井 圭司*; Miyazaki, T.*; 新倉 潤*; 西村 俊二*; Olivier, L.*; 大田 晋輔*; Patel, Z.*; Sahin, E.*; Shand, C.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Stefan, I.*; Steppenbeck, D.*; 炭竃 聡之*; 鈴木 大介*; Vajta, Zs.*; Werner, V.*; Wu, J.*; Xu, Z.*

Elekes, Z.*; Kripk$'o$, $'A$*; Sohler, D.*; Sieja, K.*; Ogata, Kazuyuki*; Yoshida, Kazuki; Doornenbal, P.*; Obertelli, A.*; Authelet, G.*; Baba, Hidetada*; Calvet, D.*; Ch$^a$teau, F.*; Corsi, A.*; Delbart, A.*; Gheller, J.-M.*; Gillibert, A.*; Isobe, T.*; Lapoux, V.*; Matsushita, Masafumi*; Momiyama, Satoru*; Motobayashi, Toru*; Otsu, Hideaki*; P$'e$ron, C.*; Peyaud, A.*; Pollacco, E. C.*; Rouss$'e$, J.-Y.*; Sakurai, Hiroyoshi*; Santamaria, C.*; Shiga, Y.*; Takeuchi, S.*; Taniuchi, R.*; Uesaka, T.*; Wang, H.*; Yoneda, Kenichiro*; Browne, F.*; Chung, L. X.*; Dombr$'a$di, Zs.*; Flavigny, F.*; Franchoo, S.*; Giacoppo, F.*; Gottardo, A.*; Hady$'n$ska-Kl$c{e}$k, K.*; Korkulu, Z.*; Koyama, S.*; Kubota, Y.*; Lee, J.*; Lettmann, M.*; Louchart, C.*; Lozeva, R.*; Matsui, Keishi*; Miyazaki, T.*; Niikura, Megumi*; Nishimura, Shunji*; Olivier, L.*; Ota, Shinsuke*; Patel, Z.*; Sahin, E.*; Shand, C.*; S$"o$derstr$"o$m, P.-A.*; Stefan, I.*; Steppenbeck, D.*; Sumikama, Toshiyuki*; Suzuki, Daisuke*; Vajta, Zs.*; Werner, V.*; Wu, J.*; Xu, Z.*

($$p$$,$$2p$$)反応による$$^{76}$$Niの核構造の探索実験を行った。Lenzi, Nowacki, Poves, Sieja相互作用を用いた殻模型計算では実験結果を説明しうる陽子空孔状態が得られており、理論的な断面積計算は実験値とよい一致を与えた。実験で得られたすべての状態を理論的に一意に決定することはできなかったが、過去の実験結果と同様にNi同位体でのZ = 28の大きなshell gapを示す結果が得られた。

The nuclear structure of the $$^{76}$$Ni nucleus was investigated by ($$p$$,$$2p$$) reaction using a NaI(Tl) array to detect the deexciting prompt $$gamma$$ rays. A new transition with an energy of 2227 keV was identified by $$gamma gamma$$ and $$gamma gamma gamma$$ coincidences. Our shell-model calculations using the Lenzi, Nowacki, Poves, and Sieja interaction produced good candidates for the experimental proton hole states in the observed energy region, and the theoretical cross sections showed good agreement with the experimental values. Although we could not assign all the experimental states to the theoretical ones unambiguously, the results are consistent with a reasonably large Z = 28 shell gap for nickel isotopes in accordance with previous studies.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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