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Experimental study on transport behavior of cesium iodide in the reactor coolant system under LWR severe accident conditions


宮原 直哉; 三輪 周平  ; Gou$"e$llo, M.*; 井元 純平 ; 堀口 直樹   ; 佐藤 勇*; 逢坂 正彦  

Miyahara, Naoya; Miwa, Shuhei; Gou$"e$llo, M.*; Imoto, Jumpei; Horiguchi, Naoki; Sato, Isamu*; Osaka, Masahiko


In order to clarify the cesium iodide (CsI) transport behavior with a focus on the mechanisms of gaseous iodine formation in the reactor coolant system of LWR under a severe accident condition, a reproductive experiment of CsI transport behavior was conducted using a facility equipped with a thermal gradient tube. Various analyses on deposits and airborne materials during transportation could elucidate two mechanisms for the gaseous iodine formation. One was the gaseous phase chemical reaction in Cs-I-O-H system at relatively high-temperature region, which led to gaseous iodine transport to the lower temperature region without any further changes in gas species due to the kinetics limitation effects. The other one was the chemical reactions related to condensed phase of CsI, namely those of CsI deposits on walls with surface of stainless steel to form Cs$$_{2}$$CrO$$_{4}$$ compound and CsI aerosol particles with steam, which were newly found in this study.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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