Study on the mechanism of radiolytic degradation of an extractant for minor actinides separation
樋川 智洋
; 村山 琳*; 熊谷 友多
; 山下 真一*; 鈴木 英哉; 伴 康俊
; 松村 達郎

Toigawa, Tomohiro; Murayama, Rin*; Kumagai, Yuta; Yamashita, Shinichi*; Suzuki, Hideya; Ban, Yasutoshi; Matsumura, Tatsuro
This report summarizes the results obtained in FY2019 at Electron Linac Facility of University of Tokyo. The radiolysis process of a diglycolamide extractant, which is expected to be used in the separation process of minor actinides (MA), in dodecane and octanol solutions was investigated by pulse radiolysis. As a result, it was suggested that by adding alcohol, the decomposition process of the diglycolamide extractant was different from the decomposition processes in the single solvent of dodecane considered that the decomposition occurred via a radical cation species of the extractant.