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 年 ~ 

Large scale production of $$^{64}$$Cu and $$^{67}$$Cu via the $$^{64}$$Zn(n, p)$$^{64}$$Cu and $$^{68}$$Zn(n, np/d)$$^{67}$$Cu reactions using accelerator neutrons

加速器中性子による$$^{64}$$Zn(n, p)$$^{64}$$Cu並びに$$^{68}$$Zn(n, np/d)$$^{67}$$Cu反応を利用した$$^{64}$$Cu及び$$^{67}$$Cuの大量合成

川端 方子*; 本石 章司*; 太田 朗生*; 本村 新*; 佐伯 秀也*; 塚田 和明  ; 橋本 慎太郎  ; 岩本 信之  ; 永井 泰樹*; 橋本 和幸*

Kawabata, Masako*; Motoishi, Shoji*; Ota, Akio*; Motomura, Arata*; Saeki, Hideya*; Tsukada, Kazuaki; Hashimoto, Shintaro; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Nagai, Yasuki*; Hashimoto, Kazuyuki*


Both $$^{64}$$Cu and $$^{67}$$Cu are promising radionuclides in nuclear medicine. Production yields of these radionuclides were quantified by irradiating 55.4 g of natural zinc with accelerator neutrons. Clinically suitable $$^{64}$$Cu and $$^{67}$$Cu yields were estimated by experimental based numerical simulations using 100 g of enriched $$^{64}$$Zn and $$^{68}$$Zn, respectively, and elevated neutron fluxes from 40 MeV, 2 mA deuterons. A combined thermal- and resin-separation method was developed to isolate $$^{64}$$Cu and $$^{67}$$Cu from zinc, resulting in 73% separation efficiency and 97% zinc recovery. Such methods can provide large scale production of $$^{64}$$Cu and $$^{67}$$Cu for clinical applications.



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分野:Chemistry, Analytical



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