※ 半角英数字
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合金相を含む燃料デブリの安定性評価のための基盤研究,11; ウラン-ジルコニウム-ステンレス鋼系模擬デブリの合成および評価

Research on the stability of fuel debris consisting of oxides and alloys, 11; Synthesis and evaluation of simulated fuel debris in the UO$$_{2}$$-Zr-SS system

秋山 大輔*; 桐島 陽*; 佐藤 修彰*; 佐々木 隆之*; 渡邉 雅之   ; 熊谷 友多   ; 日下 良二  

Akiyama, Daisuke*; Kirishima, Akira*; Sato, Nobuaki*; Sasaki, Takayuki*; Watanabe, Masayuki; Kumagai, Yuta; Kusaka, Ryoji


In the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, it is considered that the molten fuel reacted with zircaloy of the cladding tube and alloys containing iron as the main component, such as stainless steel, at high temperatures to generate fuel debris. For the removal, processing, and disposal of the debris in the future, it will be important to predict the properties of the debris. Therefore, in this study, simulated fuel debris containing Zr or ZrO$$_{2}$$ and the constituent elements of stainless steel was prepared, and structural analysis was performed using XRD and SEM-EDX. We also evaluated the solid phase state after immersing the simulated debris in pure water or seawater.



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