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Electronic structure of UTe$$_2$$ studied by photoelectron spectroscopy


藤森 伸一   ; 川崎 郁斗  ; 竹田 幸治   ; 山上 浩志; 仲村 愛*; 本間 佳哉*; 青木 大*

Fujimori, Shinichi; Kawasaki, Ikuto; Takeda, Yukiharu; Yamagami, Hiroshi; Nakamura, Ai*; Homma, Yoshiya*; Aoki, Dai*

The electronic structure of UTe$$_2$$ was studied by resonant photoelectron spectroscopy (RPES) and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES) with soft X-ray synchrotron radiation. The partial U 5f density of states of UTe$$_2$$ were imaged by the U~$$4d$$-$$5f$$ RPES and it was found that the U~$$5f$$ state has an itinerant character, but there exists an incoherent peak due to the strong electron correlation effects. The band structure of UTe$$_2$$ was obtained by ARPES and its overall band structure was mostly explained by band structure calculations, except for the incoherent band at $$E_B=0.5$$ eV. These results suggest that the U~$$5f$$ states of UTe$$_2$$ have itinerant but strongly-correlated nature with enhanced hybridization with the Te~$$5p$$ states. In addition, the valence state of UTe$$_2$$ was studied by core-level photoelectron spectroscopy. The main peak position of the U~$$4f$$ core-level spectrum of UTe$$_2$$ coincides with that of UB$$_2$$, which is an itinerant compound with a nearly $$5f^3$$ configuration. However, the main peak of UTe$$_2$$ is broader than that of UB$$_2$$, and satellite structures are observed in the higher binding energy side of the main peak, which are characteristics of mixed-valence uranium compounds. These results suggest that the U~$$5f$$ state in UTe$$_2$$ is in a mixed valence state with a dominant contribution from the itinerant 5$$f^3$$ configuration.



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