※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

First nuclear transmutation of $$^{237}$$Np and $$^{241}$$Am by accelerator-driven system at Kyoto University Critical Assembly


Pyeon, C. H.*; 山中 正朗*; 大泉 昭人   ; 福島 昌宏   ; 千葉 豪*; 渡辺 賢一*; 遠藤 知弘*; Van Rooijen, W. G.*; 橋本 憲吾*; 左近 敦士*; 相澤 直人*; 栗山 靖敏*; 上杉 智教*; 石 禎浩*

Pyeon, C. H.*; Yamanaka, Masao*; Oizumi, Akito; Fukushima, Masahiro; Chiba, Go*; Watanabe, Kenichi*; Endo, Tomohiro*; Van Rooijen, W. G.*; Hashimoto, Kengo*; Sakon, Atsushi*; Aizawa, Naoto*; Kuriyama, Yasutoshi*; Uesugi, Tomonori*; Ishi, Yoshihiro*


This study demonstrates, for the first time, the principle of nuclear transmutation of minor actinide (MA) by the accelerator-driven system (ADS) through the injection of high-energy neutrons into the subcritical core at the Kyoto University Critical Assembly. The main objective of the experiments is to confirm fission reactions of neptunium-237 ($$^{237}$$Np) and americium-241 ($$^{241}$$Am), and capture reactions of $$^{237}$$Np. Subcritical irradiation of $$^{237}$$Np and $$^{241}$$Am foils is conducted in a hard spectrum core with the use of the back-to-back fission chamber that obtains simultaneously two signals from specially installed test ($$^{237}$$Np or $$^{241}$$Am) and reference (uranium-235) foils. The first nuclear transmutation of $$^{237}$$Np and $$^{241}$$Am by ADS soundly implemented by combining the subcritical core and the 100 MeV proton accelerator, and the use of a lead-bismuth target, is conclusively demonstrated through the experimental results of fission and capture reaction events.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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