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 年 ~ 


Observation of combustion-derived iron oxide in a downwind region of East Asia based on the environmental magnetism

土屋 望*; 池盛 文数*; 川崎 一雄*; 山田 怜奈*; 畑 光彦*; 古内 正美*; 岩本 洋子*; 兼保 直樹*; 渡邊 隆広   ; 亀田 貴之*; 南 雅代*; 中村 俊夫*; 松木 篤*

Tsuchiya, Nozomu*; Ikemori, Fumikazu*; Kawasaki, Kazuo*; Yamada, Rena*; Hata, Mitsuhiko*; Furuuchi, Masami*; Iwamoto, Yoko*; Kaneyasu, Naoki*; Watanabe, Takahiro; Kameda, Takayuki*; Minami, Masayo*; Nakamura, Toshio*; Matsuki, Atsushi*


It is important to assess the impact of iron oxide aerosols, e.g. from fossil fuel combustion, on climate change. However, observations of iron oxide aerosols are limited worldwide and knowledge on their behavior in the environment is insufficient. Therefore, this study attempted to elucidate the sources of combustion-derived iron oxides (coal, oil and biomass) and their seasonal variations by measuring magnetization, radiocarbon and stable carbon isotope ratios, black carbon and elemental carbon concentrations in aerosol samples collected in the Noto region, a downwind region of East Asia.



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